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2008年3月12日 “伦敦是全球最具文化活力城市”



It has long been a boast of pundits and politicians but now it has been backed up by hard evidence – London has emerged as the world’s most culturally vibrant city.


A report comparing London’s cultural attractions with those of New York, Paris, Shanghai and Tokyo shows that the British capital is ahead of the rest in virtually all categories.

伦敦发展署(London Development Agency)报告发现,与其它所有对手相比,伦敦拥有更多的国立博物馆、更多的音乐演出和音乐场所、更多的公共美术馆以及更多的大型剧场。

It has more national museums, more musical performances and venues, more public art galleries and more major theatres than all its competitors, the report by the London Development Agency has found.

伦敦市长肯?利文斯通(Ken Livingstone)表示,正是伦敦的文化优势,才使其成为一个了不起的世界都市。“没有人到伦敦来访问这里的银行家。城市让人怀念之处,不在于它们的经济,而在于它们的文化成就,”他在该报告昨日发布之际表示。

Ken Livingstone, mayor of London, said it was London’s cultural pre-eminence that made it a great world city. “Nobody comes to London to visit its bankers. Cities are not remembered for their economies, but for what they achieve culturally,” he said at the report’s launch yesterday.


Mr Livingstone also announced a new £1.4m fund for organisations to develop new cultural projects in the build-up to the 2012 Olympic Games.
