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2008年4月8日 人民币升值的期望



The world’s favourite scapegoat currency is in the ascendant. China’s renminbi, which was re-valued at Rmb8.11/$1 in July 2005, is now within a whisker of Rmb7/$1. It has strengthened by some 4 per cent against the dollar so far this year, following a 7 per cent appreciation in the whole of 2007. Is Beijing relaxing its traditional opposition to a stronger currency?

并不完全是。以其它几乎所有主要货币衡量,人民币的表现似乎都相当疲弱。今年以来,与中国最大贸易伙伴的货币——欧元相比,人民币已贬值3%;人民币对日元的贬值幅度也达到4.4%。JP摩根(JP Morgan)的数据显示,按贸易加权水平衡量,人民币今年以来的升值幅度仅有0.5%。当然,人民币也许还会继续升值,特别是如果当地媒体的报道可以信赖的话。远期市场肯定也是这么预期的:人民币不可交割远期合约价格显示,市场预计人民币兑美元汇率今年将升值11.3%。

Not entirely. Measured against nearly any other currency you care to mention, renminbi performance looks feeble. So far this year it has depreciated by 3 per cent against the euro, the currency of China’s biggest trading partner, and 4.4 per cent versus the yen. On a trade-weighted basis, it has gained a mere 0.5 per cent, according to JP Morgan. Of course, there may be further catch-up to come, particularly if reports in local media are to be believed. Forward markets certainly expect as much: non-deliverable forwards imply appreciation of 11.3 per cent against the dollar this year.


But this belief, predicated in large part upon China’s resurgent inflation, misses a key point. Consumer prices rose 8.7 per cent on a year-on-year basis in February largely due to rising food prices. A stronger currency would do little to mitigate this as China is largely self-sufficient in food. Food imports could rise, but not to the extent of shaping monetary policy.


Discerning the negative impact of currency appreciation is trickier. Export growth slowed in the first couple of months of this year, but that is as likely to reflect the scrapping of export tax rebates, freak snowstorms and the US slowdown as a stronger renminbi. Given these other factors, and the limited usefulness of a higher currency, it would be bold to bet on another big revaluation.
