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2008年4月10日 “美国贫富差距明显加剧”



The gap between the richest and the poorest in the US has widened dramatically since the late 1980s, while the incomes of the least well-off have fallen since the start of the decade, according to a report out on the 9 April .


The nation’s wealthiest 5 per cent of families were paid on average more than 12 times as much as the poorest fifth in 2004-6, compared with nearly nine times as much in 1987-9.

“经济政策研究所”(Economic Policy Institute)与“预算和政策优先中心”(Center on Budget and Policy Priorities)的此项研究表明,在上述20年内,最富裕的20%家庭每年增加的收入,比最贫穷的20%家庭同期内增加的收入还多。

During those two decades, the richest fifth of families added more to their income in each year than the poorest fifth did over the entire period, the study by the Economic Policy Institute and Center on Budget and Policy Priorities shows.


But the poorest people in the US were not the only ones to feel the pinch of increased inequality. The report, which studied changes in income after accounting for federal tax and inflation, found those in the middle also saw their wages grow slowly in comparison with the better-off.


The richest 5 per cent have seen their incomes rise by 60 per cent, or $82,607, to $220,700 over the last two decades, and the richest fifth saw their wages rise by 36 per cent, or $35,027, to $132,131.


The middle fifth have seen $5,784 in extra income, a 13 per cent rise to $50,434, while the poorest fifth saw a rise of $1,814 or 11 per cent to $18,116.


Meanwhile, although incomes among all slices of society measured by the report have risen since the late 1980s, since 1998-2000 the income of the poorest fifth has fallen by 2.5 per cent, while the wealthiest fifth saw income rise by 9.1 per cent.


Over the two decades that the report covers, inequality rose in 37 US states and had not changed significantly in the other 13.


The top five states for income inequality were New York, Alabama, Mississippi, Massachusetts and Tennessee.


In Massachusetts, while income for the wealthiest 5 per cent rose by an average of $146,658 from the late 1980s, income for the bottom fifth rose by just $324.

“贫富差距会影响经济以应有速度增长的能力,”报告作者之一贾里德?伯恩斯坦(Jared Bernstein)表示,“当贫富差距过大,它将会自我演绎,给流动性带来阻碍。”

“Inequality can hurt the economy’s ability to grow at the rate it should,” said Jared Bernstein, one of the report’s authors. “It feeds on itself when it gets too high and can create barriers to mobility.”
