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2008年4月24日 瑞银:投行部门将进一步大幅裁员



UBS warned of further big job losses in investment banking as the biggest European casualty of the US subprime crisis outlined plans to shrink the operations that contributed to its losing more than $37bn on US credits since last summer.

瑞银首席执行官马塞尔?罗内尔(Marcel Rohner)在巴塞尔向股东表示,将于下月公布进一步裁员的具体细节。有关消息将在5月6日与瑞银第一季度业绩同时发布,预计裁员人数将超过次贷危机以来已经裁减的1500人。

Addressing shareholders in Basel, Marcel Rohner, chief executive, said further job cuts would be detailed next month. The announcement, which is expected to see bigger cuts than the 1,500 jobs lost since the subprime crisis, will accompany the group’s first quarter results on May 6.

新一轮裁员行动表明瑞银决心撤离使其出现巨额减记的自营交易业务,并将更多的注意力放在其强大的私人银行业务上。 The new round of job reductions reflect UBS’s determination to pull back from the proprietary trading that contributed to its massive writedowns and focus more on its powerhouse private banking franchise.

瑞银首席法律顾问彼得?库勒尔(Peter Kurer)强调了从雄心勃勃要成为全球顶级投资银行向把重点放在财富管理业务的转变。他被选为董事长以接替马塞尔?奥斯佩尔(Marcel Ospel),但遭到了约14%股东的反对。

That shift from ambitions to become one of the world’s top investment banks to focusing on wealth management was underlined by Peter Kurer, the group’s general counsel, who was elected chairman to succeed Marcel Ospel, albeit with a revolt by about 14 per cent of the shareholders.


Mr Kurer said UBS would resist calls to break up its “integrated” model of investment banking, private banking and asset management, but he noted pointedly that wealth management was “ultimately our core franchise”.


UBS has been shrinking its balance sheet and withdrawing from trading on its own account. Mr Rohner said it would also eliminate the cross-subsidisation that had allowed traders to exploit cheap funding from private banking to amass massive subprime positions.

