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2008年4月28日 法农业部长:粮食问题不能靠市场


法国农业部长米歇尔?巴尼耶(Michel Barnier)表示,非洲和拉美应采取自己版本的欧洲共同农业政策(CAP),以应对食品需求不断上升的局面。

Africa and Latin America should adopt their own versions of Europe’s Common Agricultural Policy as a response to rising demand for food, according to Michel Barnier, France’s farm minister.


While critics of the CAP prepare to use surging food prices and threats of shortages to seek freer trade in agriculture, Mr Barnier told the Financial Times that, on the contrary, the developing world should draw inspiration from Europe and form self-sufficient regional agricultural blocs funded with a redirection of development aid.


Mr Barnier, a former French foreign minister, ex-EU commissioner and member of the governing centre-right UMP party, said he would not allow Europe’s system of subsidies and barriers to trade to take the blame for “disorder” surrounding the commodities spike in prices.


“What we are now witnessing in the world is the consequence of too much free-market liberalism,” he said.


“We can’t leave feeding people to the mercy of the market. We need a public policy, a means of intervention and stabilisation.”


“I think [the CAP] is a good model. It is a policy that allows us to produce to feed ourselves. We pool our resources to support production. West Africa, East Africa, Latin America and the southern shore of the Mediterranean all need regional common agricultural policies.”


The EU should provide money and know-how to help these regions adopt their own CAPs, he added. Mr Barnier said poorer countries should not put cultivation of cash crops for export before feeding their populations.


He said he was “not sure” that the World Trade Organisation was the “right place to discuss the relationship between food and agriculture”. “Whatever the outcome of the Doha round [of trade talks], suspension, failure or success, we need to ask what is the correct forum for discussing this”.
