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2008年5月5日 米塔尔计划与中国鞍钢合作


世界最大的钢铁生产商阿塞洛-米塔尔(ArcelorMittal)与中国第二大钢铁公司鞍钢股份(Angang Steel)就合作事宜进行了非正式会谈,以扩展该公司在中国的业务。

ArcelorMittal, the world’s biggest steel producer, has held informal discussions with Angang Steel about working with China’s second-largest steel company in an effort to extend its presence in the country.

在两个月前的一次私人会见中,阿塞洛-米塔尔首席执行官及大股东、印度亿万富翁拉克希米?米塔尔(Lakshmi Mittal)向鞍钢股份董事长张晓刚提议,收购鞍钢近25%的股份。

Lakshmi Mittal, the Indian billionaire chief executive and main owner of ArcelorMittal, proposed buying a near 25 per cent stake in Angang to Zhang Xiaogang, Angang’s chairman, in a private meeting just over two months ago.


Although financial terms were not discussed, a 25 per cent stake in Angang would cost ArcelorMittal at least $5bn, according to Angang’s current market valuation.


While Mr Zhang turned down Mr Mittal’s suggestion that ArcelorMittal should be allowed to take a 20-30 per cent stake in the government-controlled company, he told the Financial Times he would be keen in principle to allow the Luxembourg-based company a much smaller shareholding in Angang of 1-2 per cent. He was also open to co-operating with ArcelorMittal, for instance in new steelmaking or mining projects.


“We [Angang and ArcelorMittal] can work together. We have similar ideas,” Mr Zhang said in an interview at Angang’s headquarters in Anshan, northern China.


Mr Zhang said he thought Angang could gain useful international experience through working with ArcelorMittal, perhaps through both companies taking an equity stake in a stand-alone production venture.


Mr Mittal told the FT: “ArcelorMittal has made no formal proposal for any kind of joint project involving Angang Steel. However, I had an informal discussion with Mr Zhang about various possibilities. As part of this, I tossed around a number of ideas.


“This is similar to the discussions I have with many steel companies.”

鞍钢股份在香港交易所(Hong Kong Stock Exchange)上市,国有企业鞍山钢铁集团公司(Anshan Iron and Steel)持有其67%的控股股份。

Angang is listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange, with a controlling shareholding of 67 per cent owned by Anshan Iron and Steel, a Chinese government company.
