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2008年5月7日 预计油价将升至200美元


高盛(Goldman Sachs)分析师阿尔琼?穆尔蒂(Arjun Murti)预测,未来两年中,原油价格可能飙升至每桶200美元。穆尔蒂3年前曾准确预测到油价将出现“超级涨升”,升至每桶100美元以上。

Crude oil prices could surge to $200 a barrel in the next two years, according to the Goldman Sachs’ analyst who three years ago correctly predicted a price “super-spike” above $100 a barrel.


The warning by Arjun Murti came as oil prices hit a fresh record high above $122 a barrel, boosted by supply disruptions in Nigeria, lower output in Russia and continued robust demand in China ahead of the Olympics.


Mr Murti said the energy crisis could be coming to a head as a lack of adequate supply growth was becoming apparent.


“The possibility of $150-$200 per barrel seems increasingly likely over the next 6-24 months,” he added, warning also that the spare capacity of the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries to cushion against unexpected supply shocks was very low.

上月,欧佩克主席沙基卜?克利勒(Chakib Khelil)也警告称,油价可能升至每桶200美元。自今年初以来,押注油价在12月份触及每桶200美元的原油期权合约增长了两倍。 Last month, Chakib Khelil, president of Opec, also warned oil could reach $200 a barrel. The number of oil option contracts betting on oil hitting $200 a barrel in December have tripled since the beginning of the year.


Mr Murti’s warnings carry weight in the oil market, after he correctly predicted in March 2005, when oil traded at about $55 a barrel, that prices could suffer a “super-spike” to $105 a barrel.


The warning in 2005 was criticised as “self-serving” because Goldman Sachs is one of the largest Wall Street investment banks trading oil and it could profit from an increase in prices.

这些批评促使高盛时任首席执行官亨利?保尔森(Henry Paulson)为这份看涨报告出言辩护。目前保尔森担任美国财政部长。

The criticism forced the bank’s chief executive at that time – Henry Paulson – to defend the bullish report. Mr Paulson is now US Treasury secretary.

麦格理(Macquarie)驻纽约的诺曼?巴拉卡特(Nauman Barakat)表示:“不应立刻就说这份报告是荒谬的,因为高盛当初的“超级涨升”说法一点没错。”

Nauman Barakat of Macquarie in New York said: “The report should not be dismissed out of hand as preposterous, as Goldman hit it on the head with its original super-spike story.”
