
: 英语巴士网行业英语外贸英语行业英语内容详情



It is important to use the right "title" when addressing someone in writing, especially if it is the first contact that you have with this potential customer. Some examples of titles are: Mr., Ms, Mrs., and Miss. Using the right title is important for three reasons. First of all, it is respectful to the person you are writing to. Secondly, it will help to give your company a professional image which is essential in competing to get the business. And thirdly, using the right title helps ensure that your fax or e-mail will be read by the right person, rather than ending up on the wrong person's desk.

当回复客户的询问函时,使用对方正确的头衔是很重要的,特别是在第一次和潜在客户联系时。常使用的头衔有:MR. , MS, MRS.和MISS。使用正确的头衔有3个重要的原因。首先表示你对收信人的尊重。第二,它会给人专业的印象,而这对争取生意是非常有帮助的。第三,用正确的称呼可以使你的FAX或EAMIL让真正的收件人收到,而不致于被送到其他人的桌上。

Unfortunately, it is not always easy to know what title is correct. It is easy to be confused about whether the inquiry came from a man or a woman because you may be unfamiliar with the first name of the person that has written to you and the writer may not have used a title in their closing. If you are unclear as to whether the person is a man or a woman, never address the letter to "Sir or Madam" This is unprofessional and seems strange since we only use "Sir or Madam" when we don't know the name of the person. And never assume that the letter must be from a man because it is a business inquiry.

然而,要知道对方正确的头衔不是很简单,而且在对外文名字不清楚或对方在信后未提及称谓时,很容易把性别搞错。如果你不清楚对方的性别时,也不要使用 "SIR or MADAM" 的称呼,这不专业且很奇怪,因为我们通常在不知对方姓名时,才用 "SIR or MADAM"。也不要因为这是一封商业信函就认为对方都是男性。

The best way to handle this situation is to simply use 2 titles: "Dear Ms/Mr. Smith". Then in your final paragraph you should ask what the correct title is: "Please tell me how I should address you, as Mr., Ms, Mrs. or something else? Thank you." This will allow you to use an acceptable title from the very first letter and use the right title for every letter in the future. Don't be too embarrassed to ask a potential customer for this information. It is smart and good business to always ask if you are not sure.

解决这问题的最好方法就是使用2个称呼如 "Dear Ms/ Mr. Smith",之后在最后一段询问对方性别如 "Please tell me how I should address you, as Mr., Ms ,Mrs. or something else, thank you"。如此一来,会被对方接受且在未来的书信中就知道使用正确的称呼了。不要羞于问客户这些信息,因为在生意上有不了解的地方总是问清楚才是明智之举。
