
: 英语巴士网行业英语外贸英语行业英语内容详情




This Contract is made and entered into this first day of March, 1998 by and between X Corporation, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York with its principal office at (address) (hereinafter referred to as the "Owner") &, and Y Company Ltd., a company organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of China with its principal office at (address) (hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor").


& hereinafter referred to as...

hereinafter就是"以下",referred to as...就是"称做……",合起来当然就是"以下简称……"的意思了。但是这四个字并非不可省略,换句话说,括号里面如果只写the "Owner" 和the "Contractor",也是可以的。

如果某些概念比较复杂,不容易用上述括号的方法定义,也可以独立地以一个定义条款为之,例如以下条款在定义 Affiliate,即"关系企业":

For the purpose of this Agreement &, "Affiliate" of any party to this Agreement means any corporation which, directly or indirectly, controls such party or is controlled by such party or is under common control with such party, where "Control" means power and ability to direct the management and policies of the controlled corporation through ownership of or control of more than fifty percent of the voting shares& of the controlled corporation by contract or otherwise.

& For the purpose of...

依照各个合约不同的需要,对某个概念定义的适用范围可能也会不同,本例中对关系企业的定义将适用于整份合约,因此定义条款就以 For the purpose of this Agreement 开头。如果某概念只需要在某"节"中适用,就可以用 For the purpose of this Section。

& voting shares

投票权(voting rights)是股东因持有股份而享受的重要权利之一,用以参与公司董事与监察人之选任,以及其它与公司经营相关的决定。一般而言,根据台湾公司法上的"股东平等原则",股东每持有一个普通股(common share)就享有一个投票权。例外情形者,如特别股(preferred shares)、公司本身持有的库藏股(treasury shares)、或同一股东持股数量超过一定比例等,投票权就可能受到剥夺或限制。

