所谓“保证条款”(Representations; Warranties),系指当事人一方或双方针对过去曾经发生或现在存在、可能影响合约效力的一些“事实”,保证为确实不虚假的条款。常见者例如公司作为当事人所订立的合约,为确实保障双方权益,常常以此类条款保证公司成立的合法性、公司具备完整的权利能力(即法律上享受权利、履行义务的能力)、该订约行为曾经过公司内部合法程序决议等等事项。 至于“承诺条款”(Covenants),则是指当事人对于未来的事情承诺一定的作为或不作为。例如A公司将自己旗下的造纸业资产与股份全数出售给B公司,B公司为了保障自己在市场上的地位与经济利益,可能会要求A公司承诺在这些股份与资产出售后,将不再经营相同的造纸事业或购入其它造纸业的股份,这种所谓的“不竞争”义务的约定,就是A公司的一个“Covenant”。 虽然在学术上可以将Representation、Warranty和Covenant做以上的区别,但是在英文合约的实际撰写上,常常把它们放在同一个条款里,统称为Representations and Warranties,或是Covenants and Warranties。下面为了清楚起见,还是用两个例子分开说明。 当事人通常会约定,保证条款里所叙述过去或现在的“事实”如果有虚假情事,或者当事人违反自己在承诺条款所为之承诺,对方当事人即取得解除契约的权利(right of termination;请参考本编之拾肆“违约条款”一节)。 The Seller hereby represents and warrants as to itself that: (i) it is a duly organized legal entity, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the People's Republic of China; (ii) its Board of Directors has taken all necessary action to duly authorize the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement which actions are reflected in the minutes book of the corporation; and (iii) its entry into and performance of its obligations under this Agreement do not violate any legal requirements in the Republic of China as of the date hereof or any material agreements to which it is a party. 出卖人保证下列事项属实: & legal entity & in good standing & execution, delivery and performance & minutes book & legal requirements The Landlord hereby covenants that the Premises will not be sold or mortgaged to any third person during the term of this Agreement. 来源:中青网英语角 |