一个大公司的主管人员正在参加一个商业研讨会。在会间休息时,他们一起讨论在不同地区实施项目的优势和劣势。 Dale: I really envy your milestones over the last few years, Don. In your presentation, I noticed the great results you've obtained in region D. We've had some trouble there. Don: How so? Dale: We've had problems on delivery dates for materials. Often, they're not on time. Looks like we'll have to change suppliers. Marshall: In my region, delivery is not a problem, but we're often behind schedule. If we hadn't extended the drop-dead date on a couple of projects, the situation would be even worse. Don: What's going wrong? Marshall: We think it's an employee problem. We can't seem to get a good completion status from them, so that makes it difficult to track a project. We're going to start some job training in this area soon, so that should improve matters. Don: I hope you're right. Looks like the seminar's set to continue, and I'm presenting soon, so I'll catch you gentlemen later. 来源:洋话连篇 |