在英美经贸报刊中,关于国际经济贸易发展和预测其发展趋势的文章占据相当大的比重。这些文章除在内容上具有涉及范围广泛的特点外,在文章的表达方式上也具有鲜明的特点。比如,有关国际经贸发展及预测其发展趋势的文章通常涉及各种指数的变化和比较,而这些指数变化的文字表达构成该类文章的一大特点。掌握这些特点,无疑对迅速而准确地理解文章的内容起到十分重要的作用。 下面我们就先来归纳一下有关经济贸易发展方面常用的表达方式。 描述经济贸易的发展无非是上升、下降和趋势平稳三种情况,再加上各种指数之间的比较以及表达"约估"这个概念,来看以下的归纳总结: 一、有关经济贸易发展方面常用的表达方式: 1. 上升情况 例:Also, fourth-quarter consumer spending appears to be perking up. After strong 0.8% advance in September, October retail sales rose 0.2%. The gain was modest, but excluding car dealers, sales increased a strong 0.4%. 例:Consumer outlays surged 1% in May, followed by a 0.4% advance in July. 常用于描述上升趋势的短语有: an increase / to increase a rise / to rise a gain / to gain an upward movement / to go up a jump / to jump a peak / to (hit) reach a peak / to peak a growth / to grow a hike / to hike a leap / to leap a soaring / to soar a surge in/ to surge 2. 下降情况 例:The Nation's purchasers said industrial activity declined in August, and the government composite index of leading indicators fell 0.2% in July. 例:The unemployment rate dipped from 5.7% in July back to 5.6% - its June reading - but the non-farm workweek was cut, and hourly wage fell. 常用于表示下降趋势的短语有: a dip / to dip to a decline / to decline a drop / to drop a decrease / to decrease a collapse / to collapse a cut / to cut a downward movement in / go down a fall off / to fall off a leveling off / to level off a low point / to reach a low point a slip in / to slip off a slump in / to slump a slide / to slide 3. 趋势平稳 例:After falling sharply in the previous two years, the unemployment rate has hardly moved since April. August unemployment stood at 8.2% and the annual pace of weekly earnings slowed to 3.25%. 例:The economic expansion will most likely continue at a modest pace, turning into one of the longest ever in peacetime. But growth could slow to a crawl. 例:Measured against the currencies of the major industrial countries, the dollar is likely to hover about where it is for several calendar quarters at least. 二、西方经贸报刊中常使用的比较手法 1. 一般比较 例:Foreign trade, however, remains at a negative. The July trade deficit widened further to $11.56billion, from $$11.3billion in June. Imports fell 1.7%, but exports dropped 2.3%. The trade gap began the third quarter wider than its second-quarter reading. 例:But if the budget cuts look credible - and if the economy is no peppier than it is now - look for lower rates by year end. 2. 对比与变化程度的表达 例:Japan's exports of steel grew 1.4-fold, making it the largest exporter by a considerable margin. 常用于描写经济贸易情况变化程度的词汇有: fast change / slow change ; quick(ly) / gradual(ly) ; sudden(ly) / slow(ly) ; rapid(ly) / gentl(e)(ly) 三、西方经贸报刊中有关"约估"概念的表达方式 例:Kengan stocks have risen nearly 135%, Chanian stocks are up about 70%. 例:The State Bank of India (SBI) is the country's largest commercial bank controlling around 25% of the total banking business. 例:The company now spends approximately $1 billion to design a microprocessor and then pours $1 billion into each plant that builds it. 描写经济发展趋势时常用的"约估"词汇有: 表示远远高于:far (over) above 表示略高于:just over, just above 表示左右:around, about, approximately, more or less 表示略低(高):almost, nearly, just under, just above 来源:竞学网 |