英美经贸报刊所刊登的文章虽在内容上与普通报刊有所不同,但在语言的表达上具有一般新闻报刊的特点,如语言洗练、形象生动,多使用省略、引语、插入语、倒装及同位语等。文章的时态、语态也与一般文章略有不同,并拥有其特有的词汇和缩略形式。在语言技巧上,经常采用文学作品中常见的诸如各种比喻、类比、夸张等修辞手法,以达到某种特有的语言效果。 1. 语言简练、通俗 由于报导内容多为经济贸易形势的最新发展动态、所以要求报道的速度既快捷又准确。同时为适应多层面的读者,用词越简练越好。 例:The collapse of copper prices has come just as demand for it from the industrialized world has dropped 8% last year and as production, after two years of high prices, is starting to increase. 这里的前置词on替代了短语compared with。前置词on用在此场合既达到了简练的目的,意思又非常明了。 例:Capital spending by industry just pokes along. Ditto residential building. 此句话里的Ditto一词通俗译为"同上",经常用于表格中以避免重复。这里用ditto一词的目的在于省略。 2. 用词形象、生动 例:Italy is one country where it is really good-by to the boom, at least until the chronic weakness in the balance of payments is cured, and the 17% inflation is reduced. 这里的告别一词,既good-bye,通俗易懂。 例:When it came to a perennial Clinton bugaboo - personnel - things began on a promising note. Prodded by the White House, seven Cabinet chiefs announced their departures soon after Nov.5. The shakeup gave Clinton a chance to revitalize his weary team. So have any of those jobs been filled? Nope. 这一段文字中使用了perennial和bugaboo两个词,充分而形象地展示了困扰克林顿的问题的时间之长和棘手程度。特别是这段最后一个词Nope,是口语中才使用的词,为俚语。该词的使用使语气更为生动。 3. 巧用省略形式 例:Who is afraid of global markets? 这里Not一词前省略了They are。 4. 多使用引语、插入语及倒装形式 例:"I am afraid the U.S. banks are going to have get used to seeing Doutsche Morgan Grenfell more often," says Chief Executive Michael W. R. Dobson. 该句话同时采用了引语和倒装两种形式。 例:"Any international company that's not planning to do something in China is probably missing a bet", says J. Tracy O' Rourke, CEO of Varian Associates Inc., a California manufacturer of medical equipment. "It's like the frontier of days past." 以上这段话中,既有引语,又有插入语形式。 5. 同位语形式 例:President Clinton even plans to meet with Chinese President Jiang Zemin in late October in New York. 这句话中出现了最为常见的同位语形式President Clinton和President Jiang Zemin。 同位语的使用在报刊语言中极为普遍。同位语可以为一个词、一个词组或短语,而且位置较灵活,可以放在人名之前或后面,也可以在人名的前后同时出现。 6. 被动语态的使用 新闻报道语言中常使用一些固定的被动语态表达方式,如:is thought to be, is believed to be, is estimated to be等等。 例:Compensation trade may be used as a means of financing major investments in new mines for coal, iron ore and nonferrous metals. Proposals for bauxite development and aluminum smelters are believed to be under discussion along these lines with European and American companies… 这里Proposals for...一句话的主动语态应为:People believe that proposals for bauxite development and aluminum smelters are under... 7. 用首都名称代替一个国家的政府 例:Instead, Beijing is pitting Ford, GM, and other big carmakers against each other in a bidding war designed transfer technology. 8. 以一个地方建筑物的名称代替某一政府机构 例:the White House代替美国政府;Pentagon代表美国国防部。 另外,使用一些专有名词代替某一政府机构和政治派别,如the Administration代替美国政府,the U.S. hawks代替美国的反对派(鹰派),而the doves则代表温和派(鸽派)。 来源:竞学网 |