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2023-12-06 15:01:28 16

在这一对话中,Jean Simmons 要开始她的第一次商务旅行。她正和同事Kyle Mathews谈论此事。

Jean: Hey Kyle, guess what! The boss is sending me to the West Coast for a marketing seminar next month.

Kyle: Ah hah, you must be happy. You've been itching to go on a business trip for months.

Jean: Yeah, and he said there'll be more coming up, so I should get a corporate card. Problem is, I don't know how to proceed, and I didn't want the boss to know that. Can you fill me in?

Kyle: Sure, no problem. First, go see the secretary and tell her where you're going and when. She'll arrange for transportation and hotel through our travel agent, and give you the tickets and itinerary in a few days. At the same time, ask her for an application form for the card.

Jean: Will I use the card for everything?

Kyle: No, we have company credit arrangements with some major airlines and hotels. For this trip, you'll probably only use it for food. Not all restaurants accept the card, so you may have to pay cash.

Jean: Do I pay out of my own pocket?

Kyle: Afraid so. We used to have cash advances, but the company stopped that when they started issuing cards.

Jean: Will the company reimburse everything?

Kyle: No, there are maximum per diem rates. I'll give you a list. Of course, personal items aren't covered. And make sure you keep all your receipts. You'll have to attach them to your expense account when you get back.

Jean: Anything else?

Kyle: Since you'll be traveling often, apply for a frequent flyer card. Gathering frequent flyer miles is one of the perks of OCS travel. And let me know how you like living out of a suitcase.

来源:sohu 教育
