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Editing: Your Own Personal Errors Log 

To improve your grammar, you shouldn't try to work on every area at once.

You need a plan. In other words, you need to

l        identify the grammar points you wish to improve

l        decide the order in which you will study the grammar points

l        decide how long you will study each grammar point.

To help you prepare such a plan, you can use a "Personal Errors Log".

Below is an example of a "Personal Errors Log".

Type of Error         Error   Correction       Study TimelineVerb + verb  'May I suggest you to apply...'               'May I suggest you apply...'       March-May 200X(Example only)Verb + preposition       'discuss about'  'apologise causing...'  'discuss' 'apologise for causing...'   June-August 200X (Example only)Countable / Uncountable Nouns  'informations' 'staffs'   'information' 'staff' Sep-Nov 200X (Example only)Word class         'I am please'  'very convenience'            'I am pleased...'  'very convenient'     Verb tenses     Active/ passive 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          You can use the "Personal Errors Log" to help you work on the grammar points you wish to improve.

 But how can you know which areas of grammar you need to improve?

 You can do two things:

l        You can keep a record of the errors you and your colleague identify when you edit. The errors which you make most often are the ones you should work on.

l        You can take a "Personal Writing Analysis" to identify the grammar points which cause you the most problems.

Editing: Personal Writing Analysis

The "Personal Writing Analysis" on the next six sections will help you identify specific areas for personal improvement.

Each section covers one of the most common grammar problems facing people who use English as an additional language.

Follow this procedure for the "Personal Writing Analysis":

In each section... 

1) Choose the six correct answers.

2) Decide what grammar point is being tested in the section.

3) Check your answer.

After completing all six sections, you'll get your results. In addition, you'll be able to identify the grammar points you need to improve (ie the sections in which you had the most errors).


Choose the correct sentence.

1) We would    appreciate   if you could let us have a few copies.

                       be appreciated 

                       appreciate it

2)Mr Chan suggested   me to apply   for the position of credit officer.

                                     I apply

                                     me applying

3) John apologised   about making   the error.

                               to making 

                               for making

4) I arranged   for him to learn    how to use the new computer.

                        him to learn 

                       him learning 

5) Please notify     your decision to us       by 31 July.

                           us your decision  

                            us of your decision

6) Mr Casey is responsible    to set up   a new training schedule.

                                          for setting up

                                           with setting up


1) appreciate 2) I supply  3) for making  4) for him to learn  5) us of your decision 6) for setting up

This test is about verb+verb.
