分析了要推出的产品,就要分析一下产品的市场分析。对市场了解到位,才能将产品推向市场,赢得客户的喜爱。 第六讲:市场分析(market analysis) 这部分内容包括行业分析、市场分析和竞争分析。行业分析包括企业所在行业概述、对行业发展方向的预测、对驱动因素的分析。市场分析的核心内容是在市场细分的基础上确定目标市场。要让投资者了解市场的规模有足够大的赢利空间和发展空间;知道市场有良好的发展前景,即所确定的目标市场在未来将会长生不衰。竞争分析中要对全部竞争产品及竞争厂家作出描述与分析。尤其要分析这些竞争对手所占有的市场份额、年销量与销售收入,以及他们的财务实力。此外还要对自己产品所具有的优势作分析,对未来市场变化趋势作预测。 介绍目标顾客购买的原因,例如: It is easy to understand why the principal buying motives are XXX because XXX. 介绍项目标顾客的特点,例如: Young Married Couples Age: 35-55 Income: Medium to high Sex: Male or Female Family: Married or no children Geographic: Suburban Occupation: White collar Attitude: Early adapters 描述产品的竞争优势,例如: The ability to XXX (what it can do) is unique to this product/service, and our research indicates that its performance is superior to anything else on the market today. 对竞争产品做对比,例如: Companies with competitive products/services in this market are XXX. XXX (competitor) products only operate in a XXX (limited, etc.) way. |