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        41. 如何解释分期付款

还要会解释:“You pay a down-payment of five hundred dollars, and then, within a year, one hundred for each an every month.”(可以先付订金500元,然后在一年内,每月付100元)

42. 如何收取货款

如果是当场付清货款,就可能用到这个句子:“Could you pay at the Cashier's Desk?”(请到收银台付款)

43. 如何找零

下列句子要活学活用:“Thirteen dollars and twenty cents from one hundred dollars leaves eighty six dollars and eighty cents. You might see if that's all right, sir.”(收您100元,减去13元2角,应找您86元8角,请点下数目)

44. 如何开立发票、收据

东西卖出后,并非万事大吉,开发票、给收据、找零钱是一贯作业,一句“Here's your receipt”过后,别忘了说声谢谢。

45. 找错钱了怎么办

谁都有出错的时候,这时态度一定要诚恳:“I'm very sorry for the mistake”,然后再说:“Here's the right change.”(这才是要找您的零钱数)

        46. 标准买单方式

当顾客问你:“How much will this be”(多少钱?),你可以说“Just a moment, please. I'll calculate that for you.”(请等一下,我算算看)

47. 解释税率及服务费

顾客的疑虑多针对服务费service charge(在国外还有税率tax rate),您的说明一定要明白无误:“A 10% service charge have been added to your bill.”(账单已经加了10%的服务费)

48. 如何议价

如果愿意降价,可以使用however来转折语气:“However,……, we can give you a discount.”(然而,由于……,我们可以给您打折)

49. 如何优待熟客

对熟客可以说:“Ordinarily we sell them for one hundred and fifteen dollars, but I'll make a concession.”(我们一般要卖115元,但您可以优惠)

50. 如何给新顾客打折

对新顾客可以说:“I can manage to give you a discount of ten percent, deeming it as a kind of expenditure for advertisement.”
