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裁定 (法) award

财产 property

财产保险 insurance of property

财务报表 financial statement

财务报告 financial report

财务费用 finance expense

财务会计 financial accounting

财务公司 Capital company

财务收入 finance income

财务年度 fiscal year

财务状况 financial position

财政部 Ministry of Finance

阐明 elucidate

残值 residual value

仓单 warehouse receipt

仓储费 warehousing charge

仓储合同 warehousing contract

仓储物 stored goods

常规融资租赁 conventional finance lease

长期负债 long-term liabilities

长期借款 long-term debts

长期投资 long-term investments

长期应付款 long-term payables

长期资产 long-term assets

超越权限 ultra vires

城市建设附加费 city development surcharge

承包人 contractor

总承包人 general contractor

发包人 employer

承担损害赔偿责任 to be liable for damages

承担违约责任 to be liable for breach of contract

承担责任 be liable therefor

承诺函 commitment letter

承租人 lessee

承揽合同 contract for work

承揽人 contractor

共同承揽人 joint constractors

定作人 customer

承诺 acceptance

成功的案例 successful story

撤回 withdrawn

撤销 revoke, rescind

抽逃资金 surreptitiously withdrawn funds

除当事人另有约定的以外 unless parties have agreed otherwise

除法律另有规定外 unless the law provides otherwise

处分 disposal

出卖人 supplier

出让人 transferor

(受让人) (transferee)

出租 rental

出租人 lessor

催告 remind

存货人 bailor

充分披露原则 full disclosure principle

存货 inventory

存货盘亏 inventories loss
