
: 英语巴士网行业英语外贸英语行业英语内容详情


2023-12-06 15:00:33 13
来来往往几轮谈判,终于达成一致、可以签订合同了,实在是个不小的胜利啊!(1)A: That about wraps it all up.一切差不多都结束了。B: Yes, I think so.是啊。A: All we have to do is sign the contract.只剩下签合同了。B: We can do that at the meeting tomorrow.我们明天开会时再签订吧。(2)A: Are you ready to sign?准备好可以签名了吗?B: I sure am.嗯,可以签了。A: Here’s a pen.这里有笔。B: Thank you.谢谢。(3)A: Where do you want me to sign?你要我签在哪里?B: Right here.就在这儿。A: How’s that?这样子可以吧。B: That’s fine.可以。(4)A: Here’s my signature.我签好了。B: And mine.我也是。A: Let’s go out and celebrate.我们到外面庆祝一下吧B: I think we both need a drink.我想大家都需要喝一杯。
