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2023-12-06 15:00:24 2

Attending a conference is a great way to meet new people and swap ideas that can really assist you in developing your career. Conferences bring people with similar goals and interests together all in one place to facilitate the exchange of information. To make sure that you get the most out of the experience, here are some simple tips:


You are a representative of your company, so remember to conduct yourself in a professional manner. 你是公司的代表,因此要记住你自己需要有一种很职业化的举止。

Plan to arrive the day before activities begin. Familiarize yourself with the conference surroundings. 计划在活动开始之前一天到达,以便熟悉讨论会的环境。

Be on time and in your seat (not walking in) for all general sessions, workshops, and meal functions. 在所有的一般会议,车间(视察)和就餐时,准时到达并坐在你的座位上(不要在会议中走进来)。

Be attentive and courteous to speakers (do not talk while our guests are speaking). 注意倾听并礼貌地对待发言人(当我们的客人说话时不要交谈)。

Remain until the conclusion of each program; to walk out early is rude to presenters. 呆到每个讨论/会议结束,提前离开是对发言者的无礼。

Do not block seats with bags and materials. 不要用包和材料占据座位。

Read all conference information. 阅读所有的讨论会信息。

When in a new city, make sure you travel in pairs. Don't take your surroundings for granted. 当身处一个陌生城市的时候,不要单独行动。不要对周围的环境想当然。

If you bring valuables with you to the conference, use the hotel safety deposit box to secure them. 如果你带着贵重物品去参会,使用酒店的保险箱以保安全。

Arrive prepared with all pre-conference information, enough money, a registration confirmation letter, a hotel confirmation with guarantee information, and airline information. 会前做好所有的准备,足够的钱,一封登记确认信,有担保信息的酒店确认函件,以及航班事宜。

Most conferences involve thousands of people. Be patient and queue politely. 大多数会议都有数千人参加。要有耐心并礼貌地排队。

Wear your badge at all times. 随身带着标明你身份的徽章。

Take notes and ask questions at the workshop. Ask yourself, "How can this benefit my career back home?" 参观工作场地的时候要记笔记并提问。问你自己,“回去后这会怎样使我的职业受益?”

Exchange business cards with new friends and contacts you made at the conference. 与你在讨论会上结识的新老朋友交换名片。

Share your notes and your experiences with your staff and colleagues when you get home. 当你回到公司的时候,与你的职员和同事分享你的笔记和经历。

Put into practice all the great things you learned! 将所有你学到的好东西投入实践。
