悲观的人看什么都失意,乐观的人总能保有积极向上的心,这可是有助于事业成功的哦!所以,乐观积极一点吧! Billy: My old friend, how's business? 比利:老朋友,生意进展得如何? Michael: Better than usual. Thanks for asking. 迈克尔:比往常好。多谢你关心。 Billy: You seem to be in a good mood. 比利:你看起来心情不错。 Michael: I am trying to have a positive attitude toward my job and my life. 迈克尔:我正试图以一种积极的态度看待我的工作和人生。 Billy: Always look on the bright side, right? 比利:时刻看到事物光明的一面,是吗? Michael: Right you are, my friend. 迈克尔:你说得对,我的朋友。 Billy: That which does not kill you makes you stronger. 比利:只要你没有被打倒,你就会变得更强壮。 Michael: So you are saying, "it's all good." 迈克尔:所以你说“一切都好”。 Billy: Keeping a positive attitude will help you find and keep and enjoy your job. It will also help in other business situations. 比利:保持乐观的态度会让你找到工作,并乐于从事你的工作。这样对于其它的生意状况也有帮助。 Michael: Go on, tell me more. I am very interesting in hearing more. 迈克尔:接着讲,我很想了解更多。 |