上次我们介绍了在说明我国当今经济状况时的表达,今天对这一话题作进一步的补充。对外贸易是经济生活中的重点,也是我们国家当前经济发展的主要环节。以下是在阐述中国对外贸易方针政策中常用的语句,希望对大家的行文沟通有所帮助。 1. We should continue to reform and improve the foreign trade management system by sticking to the unified policy, fair competition, integration of industry with trade and promotion of the proxy system. 我们要坚持统一政策、平等竞争、工贸结合、推行代理制的做法,改革和完善外贸管理体制。 (注意:“改革”与“完善”两词可以统一为一个意思译出,使句子形式更统一,避免累赘) 2. To transform the traditional export industries and increase the technology content and added value in our exports 要改造传统出口工业,加大出口产品的技术含量和附加值 3. To improve the competitiveness of our products on domestic and overseas markets 加强我国出口产品在国内国际市场上的竞争力 (注意:“竞争力”的说法,还有就是整句话的构成,这句话在外贸行文里常用到,要记住) 4. To work actively to adjust the mix of exports and increase the proportion of high-tech products 积极调整出口商品结构,提高高新技术产品的出口比重 5. To implement an automatic registration system of foreign trading rights on a trial basis 以试点的形式实行外贸权自动登记制度 (注意:句子的结构,另外“以试点的形式”要注意不要太“翻译腔”) 6. To develop a full-dimensional export-oriented economy 发展全方位的外向型经济 (注意:常用句。“外向型经济”也可译成“export-outward economy”) 7. Honoring contract, guaranteeing quality, seeking moderate profit and valuing friendship 守约、保质、薄利、重义 (注意:这是我国对外承包工程项目的四条基本原则,做工程贸易的朋友们还是要注意以下的) 8. the principle of pursuing practical results, adopting various ways and seeking common development on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and efficiency 平等互利、讲求实效、形式多样、共同发展的方针 (注意:如果是英译汉,一定要注意简洁性。还有就是要注意“平等互利”的翻法,比中文要复杂一些) 9.To establish and perfect the foreign economic and trade regime consistent with the international prevailing rules and actual situation in China 建立健全符合国际通行规则和我国国情的对外经济贸易体制 |