准备面试,固然要考虑怎样回答面试官可能会问到的问题,同时面试时的礼仪也不能忽视。即使你问题回答的再好,准备的再充分,如果在礼仪上表现不佳,面试恐怕也要打个折扣。毕竟,越是细微之处,越能看出一个人的本性。 下面给大家提供一些面试礼仪的知识,多多练习,习惯就成自然了。 1. Know something about the organization you are applying to. 2. Dress properly. Don't shake hands with the interviewer until he/she extends his/her hand. 3. Don't sit down until invited to do so by the interviewer. 4. Make eye contact with the interviewer during the interview. 5. Listen actively and stay calm. 6. If invited to a meal, be especially careful about your table manners. 7. Don't talk with your mouth full. 8. Don't make much noise while you eat. 9. Don't blow your nose or use a toothpick at the table. 10. Don't appear to be pushy or overly anxious to get a job. 11. Be honest but not too modest. 12. Don't put yourself down or cut yourself up. 13. Try to avoid discussing politics or religion with your interviewer. |