
: 英语巴士网行业英语求职英语行业英语内容详情


2023-12-06 14:38:35 9
住店的客人因为不熟悉,总是要问路。当看到宾客茫然站在一边的时候,服务员也应该主动上前提供帮助。下面就是一些常用的征询和指路用语,非常简单易学哦!1. Can (May) I help you?我能帮您什么吗?Yes, please.好的。2. What can I do for you?我能为您做点什么?3. Is there anything I can do for you?有什么能为您效劳的吗?4. Just a moment, please.请稍等一下。5. May I use your phone?我能借用您的电话吗?Certainly.当然可以。6. Excuse me. Where is the washroom (restroom, elevator)?对不起。请问盥洗室(休息室、电梯)在哪儿?7. It's on the second (third) floor.在二(三)楼。8. This way, please.请这边走。9. Turn left /right.往左转/右转。10. It's in the lobby near the main entrance.在大厅靠近大门的地方。11. It's in the basement at the end of the corridor.在走廊尽头的地下室。
