在和代理商谈过后,梅向总部汇报了一下工作,目前的谈判还是比较顺利的。 (M = May, B = Boss) 1) B: Hello May. How's the exhibition going? Is the stand busy? Are you selling many holidays? M: Yes, thanks, it's very busy. I think it's going very well, actually. B: Good. Are you having a good time in Manchester? M: Yes, thanks. We went to the Lake District yesterday and we go shopping just about every afternoon. But it's a bit expensive here. B: Oh is it? Have you had more discussions with the British agent? M: Yes. We had a long meeting with them. I think they'll be good and they have agreed to the commission of eleven percent. B: Good, that's good. 2) M: Yes, I'm here. B: The agents, do they seem reliable to you? M: Reliable? Yes, I think so. They've got a lot of experience. B: Fine. I think we should prepare a contract for them. If I fax you a draft copy, can you look at it and show it to them? M: Yes, of course. They've also asked us for a large quantity of brochures, to help them in their marketing. B: OK, I'll arrange that. When is your next meeting with them? M: We're meeting with their finance director today and then with the other directors tomorrow, just to sort out some final details. B: Fine. Let me know what happens. Thanks for all your hard work May. Say hello to Tony. |