
: 英语巴士网行业英语求职英语行业英语内容详情



Finding your first job is easy.


You send in your resume for a position to which no one else is applying.


You get a call back right away, have a successful interview (during which you are promptly offered the job) and of course you’re offered the salary to last a lifetime. Nothin’ to it. Dream on.



A more likely scenario might look something like this: You send out multiple copies of your resume to several different positions that have hundreds of other applicants.


Maybe (if you’re lucky) you’ll hear back from five employers. Of those five, you might get two or three interviews, none of which will go as seamlessly as you think.


After waiting several weeks in career purgatory, you may or may not get an offer for a job that is closer to a nightmare than a dream and that pays just enough to foot the bills.


“Although the job market is a little shaky right now, recent grads don’t want to settle, either,” says Kristen Fischer, author of “Ramen Noodles, Rent and Resumes.” “Many recent graduates feel like taking a job is a life or death decision. While every job will impact their career, they have to remember that a first job is a stepping stone. Chances are that it won’t be an ideal situation or their dream job, but it can provide the foundation for a fulfilling career.”

《速食面、房租、简历》一书作者Kristen Fischer说:“虽然就业市场此刻有些不稳,应届大学生也不愿将就就业,许多应届毕业生把一份工作看成生死抉择。虽然每一份工作都会对他们的事业产生影响,但是他们要记住第一份工作只是一块跳板。它可能不完美也不理想,但是能为实现抱负打基础。”
