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2023-12-06 14:37:33 17
工作场合太随意,可能会让你或你的同事感到不舒服。该怎么解决呢?下面就为您提供一些技巧。How to solve the problem如何解决“过于随意”的问题If your office is too casual for comfort -- either your own or your colleagues' -- you can try to fix it. Kerry Patterson, co-author of "Crucial Confrontations," offers some suggestions for tackling the subject if someone else is responsible for making your workplace too casual.如果你的办公室随便到令人(令你或你的同事们)不舒服——那么你尝试改变。《关键对峙》一书作者之一Kerry Patterson给出一些建议:当别人让你的工作场所变得太随便时应该怎么做。• Calmly discuss the issue that matters most.平静地讨论最重要的事情。"Don't air a list of gripes. Instead, focus on the one issue you care about most."“不要把牢骚一个个发泄一通,而是关注你认为最重要的那个问题。”• Choose your words wisely.言谈要明智"Describe the problem using tentative language, then describe what the person is doing -- not what you're concluding."“用试探性的语言描述问题,描述对方正在进行的行为——而不是你的结论。”• Don't make a private issue public.不要将私事公开化"This means [keeping the issue private] not only during the conversation, but also after. This will help the other person feel safe talking to you and remedying the problem."“这是指不仅在谈话中,而且在谈话之后(都不要将问题公开化),这会让人们感觉到和你谈话、改善这个问题令人放心。”• Don't imply that your concern has been festering.不要暗示你的麻烦困扰已久。"Since it's the first time you've brought it up, treat it as something that has only recently become an issue."“既然你是第一次提起,就把它当成是最近发生的事情吧。”
