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Quitting can be productive sometimes, so long as you know when to do it. We have the mentality that we must push on through, never giving up, to reach the light at the end of the tunnel. There's guilt associated with being a quitter; if we throw in the towel, it means there's something wrong with us.



* Can fix the problem. 问题能解决。

Often you can spot opportunities to fix the problem instead of quitting. Think about talking to your boss, switching departments, or taking on new projects. The grass is almost never greener on the other side. When frustrated employees tell me, "Oh, I bet this nonsense doesn't happen at other companies," I always say, "I bet it certainly does." So before you hand in your resignation, first identify opportunities for change or improvement, because the devil you know is sometimes better than the devil you don't!


* Are in the heat of the moment. 情绪激动。

Your boss sends you a nasty message or a coworker really makes you mad. Sleep on it -- for a night, or a week. Don't make rash decisions about quitting because you'll likely regret it. Most often, it is not the right thing to do.


* Are intimidated when the going gets tough. 局势艰难。You're trying so hard, but the efforts aren't panning out. Don't quit in the midst of a challenge. Instead force yourself to see it through. It's through hard work, and lots of sweat, that you truly test your mettle. I'm a firm believer that the victories are all the sweeter when you've had to work really hard for them, even though there were likely times along the way that you would have preferred to call it quits. 你很努力,可就是不出成果。不要挑战中期放弃。强迫自己要渡过难关。努力的工作和大量的汗水才能考验你的意志。我坚信真正努力后获得的胜利(即便过程中你想过放弃)的滋味会甜美地多。

* Are not in position to quit financially.

经济情况不适宜。Don't quit for the sake of quitting unless you've thought about how it will impact you financially. Most people can't survive without a paycheck -- and lining up another one when you're unemployed will likely take longer that you anticipate, so don't quit in spite. The financial consequences can make quitting a decision you regret. Before walking out the door without another offer lined up, be honest with yourself about your true willingness to hustle to land another position and be sure you have at least six months of expense money to burn through.

