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2023-12-06 14:37:19 16

Part II: What’s the idea? 有什么见解

在大家面前酷酷地“秀”了一把,还不错吧! 好戏还在后头,我们的Jennifer可是一个了不得、极有见地的女孩哦!

Kathy: Ok, let’s move on to our second point for this meeting. Or ④ we’ll run short of time. Next month, our newest cell phone will be released. We still need to come up with an appropriate name for this new model. So let’s all have a think, we need something flashy. ⑤ We haven’t heard from Peter. Peter, what’s your opinion?


Peter: I haven’t got any ideas on the exact name we can use. But since this cell phone is targeted towards women, I think, we should use a name that they prefer.

Peter: 确切的名字我还没有想好。不过,既然这款手机的使用群体主要是女性,那么我们就该投其所好,取一个比较符合她们口味的名字。

Kathy: Sure. What do you think, Jennifer?

Kathy: 对。Jennifer,你有什么高见?

Jennifer: What about “Angel 99”. I saw the design last week. With a sky-blue casing, it looks natural and beautiful, like an Angel. And “99” was the code-name of a charming female secret agent, on the TV show “Get Smart”. I can’t think of a name any more suitable than this one. I even asked some of my friends, and they also agreed.

Jennifer:“天使 99”怎么样?我上周看了这款手机的设计,天蓝色的外壳,自然又漂亮,恰如天使般。而“99”是电视剧“Get Smart”中那迷人的女密探的代号。我想不出还有什么名字比这个名字更恰如其分了。我特意征求了朋友们的意见,她们都认为这个名字不错。

Kathy: ⑥ That’s a great idea! Jennifer, you always give us inspiration.

Kathy:这名字不错。Jennifer, 你总是能给我们带来灵感。

Jennifer: Thank you!

Jennifer: 谢谢!


release / / v. 发布;向公众提供……

appropriate / / adj. 适当的;合适的

charming / / adj. 可爱的;迷人的

target / / v. 瞄准;面向


④ we’ll run short of time… 我们将不够时间……

A: Miss Lander, can we call the meeting to order now?


B: Ok, otherwise, we’ll run short of time.


⑤ We haven’t heard from………未发表意见

A: Tomas, has everybody discussed his issue?


B: We haven’t heard from Susan. What’s your opinion, Susan?


⑥ That’s a great idea! 这主意棒极了!

A: Honey, can we spend our honeymoon in Paris?


B: Spend our honeymoon in Paris? That’s a great idea!

