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The average American spends a lot of time at work -- more than 1,800 hours a year. But how many of those hours are spent daydreaming about being somewhere (or anywhere) else?


A lot of things play a role in your job satisfaction besides the actual work itself. Your emotions, skills, financial needs and performance are just some of the factors that make or break a job.


Remember: Not everyone loves every aspect of their job. It's a matter of finding strong positive points that you can focus on.


If you feel like you don't have any positive aspects of your work that you can hone in on or your work is making you feel physically ill on a regular basis, re-start the search and find a job that will kick your negativity and give you challenges and sense of value you need to like what you do for a living.


Take this quiz to find out how satisfied you are with your career:


1. You make positive comments about your job when people ask what you do or how work is going. 当别人问起你的工作或工作情况时,你给予的是积极的评价。

2. You have developed a positive relationship with your co-workers, or at least learned how to deal with each other's different personalities. 和同事关系不错,或者至少学会了如何和不同性格的人相处。

3. You feel included in decision-making and truly believe that your opinion matters at work.你感觉自己也能参与决策制订,觉得自己的想法在工作中重要。

4. The people you work with treat you as an equal, even though you may have less experience. 即便你经验稍少,你的工作伙伴也不会歧视你。

5. Even when you're not at your job, you sometimes do positive brainstorming about your work. 即便没有上班,有时一些工作想法还会在脑子里灵光乍现。

6. You have managed to find a balance between work and personal life and it doesn't involve losing too much time with either one.  在工作中获得平衡;两者都不会让你过分投入。

7. You've accumulated overtime because you were so into the work you were doing that you lost track of time. 太投入于手头工作,加班加点的时候你忘记了时间。

8. People look to you for advice at work. 人们向你征询工作建议。

9. You're ready and even excited for the upcoming projects you'll be working on. 将要开展的项目让你摩拳擦掌兴奋不已。

10. Your supervisor is supportive and offers you good advice and opportunities for furthering your education in your field. 上级很支持,提供好的建议和让你在领域中更上一层楼。

11. You feel positive about what the company is doing, and feel that you really make a difference or contribution. 对公司业务持积极态度,感到你真的能尽一份力,带来一些改观。

12. Even though you could use some more money, your rate of pay seems fair. 虽然你也许该涨涨工资了,但你认为收入还算合理。

13. You are learning things that really help you with your career. 你在学习能对职业有帮助的东西。

14. You use your time constructively, and while you may get bored once in awhile, you're mostly on-task and ready for action. 有建设性地使用时间。虽然时而感到无聊,但多数时候状态不错,随时准备行动。

15. You feel like you are in the right field for your interests, skills and personality. 感到自己处于合适自己兴趣、技能和个性的领域。

16. You are up for promotion and feeling positive about it going through. 你将被提拔,对此感觉不错。

17. There may be some repetitive or boring parts about your job, but for the most part you are stimulated. 虽然有时工作有些重复、枯燥,但大部分时间感到振奋。

18. You don't feel too exhausted at the end of the day. 一天下来不会累得散架。

19. Stressful situations may arise, but you don't feel too overwhelmed or stressed-out on a regular basis. 也许有压力大的时候,但”喘不过气“、”极度疲乏“不会是家常便饭。

20. Even though you may be using most or all of your potential, you really want to do things better. 即使你已尽力,但你仍希望能做的更好。

21. You feel healthy at work and don't regularly worry or feel sick about going in the next day. 这工作让你感到健康,不会经常为明天而感到焦虑或恶心。

22. You have no problems making your job interesting (in a good way). 你能让工作变得有趣。

23. You don't feel stuck at your job, there's room to move forward.  没有感到陷入僵局,还有发展的空间。

24. You started your career because you were genuinely interested in it, not solely because you needed the money or someone coerced you into it. 进入这一行业是因为兴趣而不只是需要钱或受到别人迫使。

25. Fear of debt or not being able to find another job aren't the sole reasons you're sticking around. 还在坚持做这份工作的理由不仅是担心负债或怕自己找不到别的工作。#p#分页标题#e#

Scores 得分

0-5: You have little to no satisfaction with your work. You may have started your career choices based on salary or with the pressure or suggestion of someone else, or you may just be revaluating what you've gotten into. You may feel undervalued, or a job that was once challenging is now at a standstill. See you if you can find new tasks to take on to challenge yourself or if it's the lack of solid relationships with the people you work, you may want to stick it out and try to get to know people a little better. If all else fails, consider whether it's the job itself or the company that is making you unhappy and find a place or career that changes that.

0-5: 你对工作毫无兴趣可言。也许你是由于收入和别人的压力、建议而做出的职业选择;你应该重新评估自己的工作。也许你感到被看低了,或者原来有挑战的工作现在停滞不前。看看是否能接受新的任务来挑战自我。如果是因为和同事关系不稳,你也许应该“咬牙”去多了解一下同事。如果一切都无效,那么考虑是否因为工作本身,或者是公司的原因让你不快乐;找另一家公司或职业来改变现状。

6-10: You have some satisfaction with your job, whether it's the relationship you've developed with the people you work with or the work itself that you're doing. You could still be getting your feet wet, but if you're not, you may want to figure out where this career is taking you and find new challenges to ready yourself for a promotion or a change of employer.

6-10: 你对工作稍微有些满意,也许因为你和同事关系不错,也许这工作本身还行。也许你还是个新手,但如果不是,那么你该思考一下这份工作的前景,挑战自我,为提升或跳槽做准备。

11-15: Overall, you're satisfied with your job, but you may feel a little overwhelmed or stressed. You wish that you had more time to balance your work and personal life. While it may be near impossible to cut back on your workload, see what you can do to balance it with your personal life before you burn yourself out.


16-20: You are really satisfied with your job and while you look around once in a while and research different companies, it's only because you want to consider your options, know your value, and keep your mind on where your career is heading.


20-25: Congratulations! You have found a job where you feel valued, challenged and balanced. Money isn't the sole driver of getting you out of bed in the morning, passion is, and you actually look forward to new assignments as a way to grow and learn at your career.

