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职场口语 提出邀请(1)

2023-12-06 14:36:06 20





你想加入我们吗?Would you like to join us?

○ You must join us for a coffee. 你一定要来和我们喝一杯咖啡。

○ Will you join us for lunch? 你来和我们一起吃午饭吗?

你有时间吗?Do you have time?

○ Are you free tomorrow evening? 明晚你有空吗?

○ Are you busy this afternoon? 你今天下午忙吗?

去参加聚会好吗?What about going to a party?

○ How about going for a walk? 去散步怎么样?

■ “What about…”和“How about…”意为“……怎么样?”后面如果要接动词,则要用“动词的


不知你本周日是否想和我们一起去野餐。I was wondering whether you'd like to go on a picnic

with us this Sunday.

★ wonder['wʌndə]v. 想知道

★ whether['weðə]conj. 是否

★ picnic['piknik]n. 野餐

● go on / for a picnic “去野餐”

我想请你周五参加我的生日聚会。I want to invite you to my birthday party this Friday.

○ I'm going to invite you to go with me. 我想邀请你跟我一起去。

○ Will you accept my invitation? 你会接受我的邀请吗?

★ invite[in'vait]v. 邀请

★ invitation[ˌinvi'teiʃən]n. 邀请,请柬

你想跳个舞吗?Care to dance?

= Would you like to dance?

= You want to dance?

● care to “想要,喜欢”

咱们喝杯咖啡去。Let's go get coffee.

= Let's go for coffee.

○ Do you have time for a coffee? 你有时间喝杯咖啡吗?
