Forget What You've Heard About Choosing a Career 忘记你听到的那些关于择业的说法吧 Do you think you know everything about choosing a career? Many people think they know the right way to go about picking an occupation, but they often wind up choosing a career that is unsatisfying. Here are ten myths of choosing a career that can help you make an informed decision. 你觉得自己知道所有关于择业的事吗?很多人都认为自己知道正确的择业方法,但是最后都选择了自己不满意的职位。以下写出的十个择业的误区可以助你做出明智的选择: 1. Choosing a career is simple 择业其实很简单 Actually, choosing a career is an involved process and you should give it the time it deserves. Career planning is a multi-step process that involves learning enough about yourself and the occupations which you are considering in order to make an informed decision. 实际上,择业是一个涉及到很多事情的过程,你应该花足够的时间来对待它。职业规划是一个包括很多步骤的过程,包括充分地了解自己,了解你正在考虑的职业,这样才能做出深谋远虑的抉择。 2. A career counselor can tell me what occupation to pick 职业顾问可以告诉我选择什么样的职业 A career counselor, or any other career development professional, can't tell you what career is best for you. He or she can provide you with guidance in choosing a career and can help facilitate your decision. 职业顾问,或其他的职业发展专家,都不能告诉你什么样的职业适合你。他们只是可以在你择业的时候为你提供指导,能够在你做出决定的过程中起到推动作用。 3. I can't make a living from my hobby 我不能用我的爱好谋生 Says who? When choosing a career, it makes perfect sense to choose one that is related to what you enjoy doing in your spare time, if you so desire. In addition people tend to become very skilled in their hobbies, even though most of the skill is gained informally. 谁说的?在择业的时候,如果你希望的话,选择和自己业余兴趣有关的工作是最好的。另外,人在自己感兴趣的事情上都会做得非常出色,即使这些技能是通过非正式的途径得到的。 4. I should choose a career from a "Best Careers" list 我应该从一个“最好的职业”清单上选择一份工作 Every year, especially during milestoneyears, i.e. the beginning of a new decade, there are numerous articles and books that list what "the experts" predict will be "hot jobs." It can't hurt to look at those lists to see if any of the careers on it appeal to you, but you shouldn't use the list to dictate your choice. While the predictions are often based on valid data, sometimes things change. Way too often what is hot this year won't be hot a few years from now. In addition, you need to take into account your interests, values, and skills when choosing a career. Just because the outlook for an occupation is good, it doesn't mean that occupation is right for you. 每一年,尤其是在重要的年份,比如,一个新的十年开始的年份,都会有很多的文章和书刊登一份清单,上面写着所谓的专家预测的未来热门职业。如果你只是看看这份清单上有没有吸引你的工作,这是无害的,但是你不应该让这份清单左右你的选择。虽然这些预测都是通过大量调查数据得来的,但是世事无常。今年热门的行业几年后很可能会成冷门,这是常事。另外,择业时,还应该考虑你的兴趣,价值观,以及技巧。仅仅因为一份工作的前景是美好的,并不代表它适合你。 5. Making a lot of money will make me happy 赚很多钱能够让我幸福更多信息请访问:http://www.engbus.cn/ While salary is important, it isn't the only factor you should look at when choosing a career. Countless surveys have shown that money doesn't necessarily lead to job satisfaction. For many people enjoying what they do at work is much more important. However, you should consider earnings, among other things, when evaluating an occupation. 虽然薪水很重要,但也不是你在择业时唯一应该考虑的因素。数不尽的调查显示薪水与工作满意度无关。对很多人来说,热爱自己的工作重要多了。然而,在评估一份职业的时候,除了要考虑其他事情外,也不能不考虑薪水。 6. Once I choose a career I'll be stuck in it forever 一旦我选择了一份工作,我就会一直做这份工作 Not true. If you are unsatisfied in your career for any reason, you can always change it. You'll be in good company. Many people change careers several times over the course of their lifetimes. 这个说法是不对的。不管你因为任何原因对自己的工作不满意,你都可以跳槽。你会找到好的公司。很多人在一生中跳槽无数次。 7. If I change careers my skills will go to waste 如果我改行,我的技能就会浪费了 Your skills are yours to keep. You can take them from one job to another. You may not use them in the exact same way, but they won't go to waste. 你的技能是你拥有的。你可以将它们从一份工作带到另一份工作上。也许使用方式不尽相同,但是它们不会因此而浪费。 8. If my best friend (or sister, uncle, or neighbor) is happy in a particular field, I will be too 如果我最好的朋友(姐姐,叔叔,邻居)在某个特定行业工作很开心,我做相同的工作肯定也会很开心 Everyone is different and what works for one person won't necessarily work for another, even if that other person is someone with whom you have a lot in common. If someone you know has a career that interests you, look into it, but be aware of the fact that it may not necessarily be a good fit for you. 每个人都是不同的,对一个人适用的对另一个人不一定适用,即使那个人是和你有很多共同点的人。如果你认识的人中有从事你感兴趣的工作的,可以看一看,但是要注意它不一定适合你。 9. All I have to do is pick an occupation... Things will fall into place after that 我所要做的就只是选择一份职业,在此之后一切事情都解决了 Choosing an career is a great start, but there's a lot more to do after that. A Career Action Plan is a road map that takes you from choosing a career to becoming employed in that occupation to reaching your long-term career goals. 择业只是一个好的开始,之后还有很多事情要做。职业行动计划是你从择业,到在该职位工作,到实现你的长期职业目标的指导路线图。 10. There's very little I can do to learn about an occupation without actually working in it 如果没有工作实践的话,我能了解该份工作的机会很少 While first hand experience is great, there are other ways to explore an occupation. You can read about it either in print resources or online. You can also interview those working in that field. 亲身体验固然重要,但也有其他的方式去探索一份职业。你可以在书上或网上读到相关的资料。你也可以采访该工作领域的工作人员。 |