爱思英语编者按:求职照、求职装、各种荣誉和学位证书……毕业了,这些物品成了毕业生求职时的必备品(necessary)和“敲门砖”。一些女生为了让自己求职更顺利,还要精心购置化妆品。再加上越来越高的房租,这些都使得刚刚走出校园的毕业生们叫苦不堪。 北京各高校的毕业生们很快正切身体会到高昂的求职成本。一些人表示自己的求职成本高达1万元。外交学院研究生部孙京丽主任表示,大部分毕业生的求职成本介于4000至5000元之间,这也为那些家庭并不富裕的学生造成负担。她说:“他们必须承担如此高的开销,而大多数人显然对此毫无准备。我认为由于房租上涨,今后的花销只会变得更多。” Students who are about to graduate from universities across Beijing are quickly learning that finding a job can be expensive. Some say they spend as much as 10,000 yuan in their quest for employment. Sun Jingli, director of the Graduate School at China Foreign Affairs University (CFAU), said most graduates spend about 4,000 yuan to 5,000 yuan looking for jobs after they graduate, which can be a burden to those who come from poor families. "They have to spend so much money and most of them are not prepared for it," she said. "And I think the expense will only increase in the future because of rising rent." 22岁的郭琪宜(音译)今年夏天从对外经贸大学毕业。已经在北京一家外资银行找到工作的他表示自己的求职成本为6000元,其中超过半数的钱花在面试着装上。 Guo Qiyi, 22, will graduate from the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) this summer. Guo, who has already found a job with a foreign bank in Beijing, said he spent 6,000 yuan while job-hunting, more than half of it on clothes for interviews. 郭琪宜说:“我上网查询着装指南。我花了2000元购买西装,鞋子、衬衫以及领带又要1500元。” "I searched online for dressing tips. The suit cost me 2,000 yuan and I spent another 1,500 on shoes, shirts and ties," Guo said. 因为不想向父母要钱,所以他花光了自己做兼职攒下的全部积蓄。 He didn't want to ask for money from his parents so he spent all the money he earned from his part-time job. 但他认为这些花销都是值得的。 But he said he thinks the expense was worth it. 他说:“我找到工作后,这些衣服还可以穿。” "I got the job and I can use the clothes in the future," he said. 郭琪宜表示他的朋友们也都为参加面试购置了新衣。 Guo said his friends had also bought new clothes for interviews. 对于女大学生来说,由于还要购买化妆品,她们的求职成本也变得更高。 For female graduates, job-hunting costs are even higher, since they have to buy makeup as well. 同样毕业于对外经贸大学的凌娜(音译)就花了600元来购买腮红、粉底、面霜以及眼影。 Ling Na, who will also graduate from UIBE, spent 600 yuan on makeup such as blush, foundation, face cream and eye shadow. 22岁的她表示:“画上漂亮妆容去参加面试,这对我们来说很重要,因为这样能够给别人留下一个好印象。” "It is important for us to have good makeup for a job interview because it helps make a good impression," the 22-year-old said. 凌娜表示女学生们如果想要在竞争激烈的白领职场中争得一席之位,那么就别无选择。 Ling said female students really don't have much choice if they want to secure employment in the competitive white-collar job market. 她说:“如果不化妆,面试官就可能认为我们不够努力。我第一次面试失利的原因就有可能在于此。” "If we don't use makeup, the interviewer may think we don't try hard enough," she said. "My first interview might have failed because of this." 对于那些想在北京以外地区工作的毕业生来说,交通费和住宿费也是一笔额外的开销。 For those graduates considering work outside Beijing, there is also the added expense of transportation fees and accommodation. 外交学院的研究生唐岷曾参加了重庆公务员考试。他购买了往返机票,而这总共花去他4000元钱。 Tang Min, a postgraduate from CFAU, sat for the civil service exam in Chongqing. He had to pay for two return flights, which cost him a total of 4,000 yuan. 他承认额外费用为自己造成了负担。为了省钱,他住在一家每天50元的旅店,每餐的标准限定为10元。 He conceded that the extra expense was a burden. To save money, he stayed in a hotel that charged only 50 yuan a day and limited his food expenses to 10 yuan per meal. 在通过最终面试后,唐岷表示“这钱花得值”。 Having passed the final interview, Tang said it was "money well spent". 对于那些留在城市中人们来说,房租上涨只会徒增压力。 For those who stay in the city, rising rent only adds pressure. 据北京大型房屋中介“链家地产”表示,一套公寓的平均租金为3000元/月。 According to Lianjia, a major local estate agency, currently the average rent for an apartment is 3,000 yuan per month. 22岁的王磊(音译)毕业于北京中医药大学,他现在是一名药品销售人员。他在崇文区租了一个10平米的公寓单间,租金是1300元/月。 Wang Lei, 22, a graduate from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, is now a medical salesman. He rents a 10-sq-m room in an apartment for 1,300 yuan a month in Chongwen district.更多信息请访问:http://www.engbus.cn/ 他说:“这离我单位很近,我步行就可以去上班。但这房租对我来说太贵了。” "It is near where I work and I can walk there on foot," he said. "But the rent is too expensive for me." 王磊是幸运的,因为他还可以住在这个城市的公寓里。很多毕业生仅能以400元/月的价格,租到北京一些“城中村”的床位。 Wang is fortunate that he can live in an apartment in the city. There are many graduates who can only afford a bunk on the rural fringes of Beijing for 400 yuan a month. 相关词汇
accommodation 住宿 blush 腮红 bunk 铺位 burden 重担,负担 concede 承认 eye shadow 眼影 foundation 粉底 fringe 边缘, 外围 rural 乡村的