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2023-11-24 15:27:12 13


If You're Looking For A Job, You Can Learn A Lot From The Presidential Debates


To get the job in today's market, it's not all about your skills and expertise.

You have to have people skills and actually be likeable, said Amanda Augustine, job search expert for TheLadders.

“Just like today’s Presidential candidates who have spent decades building their personal brands, job candidates need to evaluate their own image and communication skills," she said. "They must tailor their approach with prospective employers to win their votes, and ultimately, the job offer.”

Based on survey results and carefully watching the Presidential campaign , Augustine developed five tips that those looking for jobs can use in their search:

1. Lobby for support

"More than 80 percent of job seekers agree that 'knowing someone at a company they're targeting gives them a leg up on the competition,' and 73 percent have 'landed an interview as a result of an employee referral.' "

When looking for a job, reach out to people who know about your skills and accomplishments, and get them to advocate for you.

2. Manage your campaign both online and offline

"According to the annual Jobvite 2012 Social Recruiting Survey, 92 percent of recruiters use or plan to use social networks in their recruiting efforts. An online presence speaks volumes to potential employers."

If you have a personal profile out there, make sure to keep all the information private and make sure the information included aligns with your current resume.

3. Kiss the babies

When asked when they network, 54 percent of respondents said they do so 'at every social gathering they attend,' yet, surprisingly, 19 percent network only 'when looking for a new job.' "

But you should treat every networking event as an opportunity — you never know who you'll meet or how they can help you in the future.

4. Know your constituency

"Prior to an interview, 62 percent of respondents say they research the 'company and the interviewers,' while 35 percent say they 'only research the company.' "

In order to create a meaningful connection, you need to be as well-informed as possible, Augustine said.

5. Stick to the issues

"When an interview veers off topic, 38 percent of job seekers 'let the interviewer talk because he/she controls the interview.' However, 10 percent 'interject and take control of the conversation because the candidate controls the interview.' "

Know your talking points and what you want to emphasize before the interview — and don't veer too far from this list during your interview.

