爱思英语编者按:在这个人人“织围脖”的时代,社交网络(social networking)正渗透到生活的方方面面,慢慢改变着人们的生活方式——通信、交友、甚至是求职。 New path for job seekers 社交网络求职流行时 In a world with few job openings, many have resorted to new ways of finding work, such as using social networking sites (SNS)., 在全球就业低迷的当下,很多人另辟蹊径,利用社交网络来找求职。 
According to the latest job-hunting survey conducted by Renren.com, over 80 percent of 94,739 college graduates prefer to use the Internet for recruitment information. About a fourth of the post-90s respondents consider SNS an important tool for online job-hunting. 根据人人网最新的一项职场调查显示,在参与本次调查的94739名大学应届毕业生中,逾80%的毕业生倾向于通过互联网来获取求职信息。其中,约四分之一的90后毕业生将社交网络视为网络求职利器。 “Clearly, social media has revolutionized the way that companies seek potential employees,” said Shi Xiaobai, HR director at L’Oréal (China) Co, Ltd in Shanghai. 深圳欧莱雅(中国)有限公司人力资源总监史晓白表示:“显然,社交网络大大改变了企业寻找未来员工的方式。”
“It provides a great way for job seekers, particularly those fresh out of university, to network with professionals and get a foot in the door.” “它为求职者,尤其是那些初出茅庐的大学生,提供了一个跟专业人士进行沟通,进而取得入行就业的绝佳机会。”
For employers, SNS provide new platforms on which to publish information about their vacancies. Traditionally, they advertised on job-hunting websites, so that visitors could access the information easily. 对于用人单位而言,社交网络提供了一个发布招聘信息的全新平台。按照传统,用人单位一般会在求职网站上发布招聘广告,以便用户能够快速获取相关信息。
But now, employers can target students directly by using their companies’ Sina or Tencent micro blog or Renren.com accounts. This also allows information to be spread by users, meaning that vacancies reach job seekers more efficiently. 而现在,通过新浪微博、腾讯微博或人人主页,用人单位可以直接面向学生群体。同时通过用户传播,求职者可以更有效地获取这些职位信息。
As for the students themselves, many get in touch with HRs or alumni professionals through SNS, such as by sending messages to their inbox. 对于学生而言,很多人也可通过社交网络主动给HR人士或业界校友发私信,沟通交流。
“But it’s impolite to directly send HR managers a message asking for a position. You need the right skills to catch their attention,” reminded Shi. 史晓白提醒道:“求职者直接发求职信息给人事经理,这是有失礼貌的。你们需要具备‘真材实料’才会引起他们的注意。”
Usually, job seekers need to create a personal account, which includes not only uploading a resume, but also posting daily updates. 通常,求职者需要创建一个私人账号,不仅要上传简历还要保持每日更新。
“I suggest candidates make their accounts strictly professional,” said Tian Huang, 25, who found his job as marketing manager at Kingdee International Software Group in Shenzhen by micro-blogging. 25岁的田晃(音译)此前通过微博获得了深圳金蝶国际软件集团有限公司市场经理一职,他说:“我建议求职者应遵循一丝不苟的专业精神来打造个人主页。”
On his micro blog, Tian had a neat photo of himself and regularly posted updates about news in the marketing industry. “When you contact HRs and headhunters, they often look at your page,” he said. “You want them to see an active, engaging individual that is full of passion for their professional field.” 田晃在微博上放了一张整洁的个人照,并定时发布一些营销业界的新闻。他说:“当你主动联系HR或猎头时,他们常常会浏览你的个人主页。你想要呈现给他们的应该是一个积极主动、富有魅力并对专业领域充满热情的形象。”
Joining groups on SNS can also be helpful. Chen Qianzhu, 22, a senior Chinese literature major at Peking University, found a job in a Beijing publishing company on Douban.com. 加入社交网站上的各种小组也会令你受益颇丰。22岁的陈倩珠(音译)是北京大学中文系大四学生,她通过豆瓣网在北京一家出版公司找到了一份工作。
She joined a recruitment discussion group to talk with other members looking for jobs. “Often someone would reply to a job-seeking post by saying that their company has a vacancy,” said Chen. “Then I could immediately send a private message asking for the details. That’s how I got my job.” 她加入了豆瓣上的一个求职讨论小组,跟其他求职者互动交流。她说:“经常会有人回复求职贴,提供自己公司的招聘信息,然后我会立即发私信了解详情,我这样我便找到了现在的工作。”
HRs say that SNS are not a mainstream channel for job-hunting. You still need to check the recruitment websites and visit job fairs. HR人士指出,社交网络并非主流的求职渠道。你仍然需要浏览求职网站并参加招聘会。
“In the digital age, patience is rare. HRs might not have time to respond to your messages,” said Li Ling, HR manager at Walmart (China) Investment Co, Ltd in Shenzhen. What’s great about SNS, Li says, is that you can gain a better understanding of a company’s corporate culture by reading its official posts. “With a little luck and perseverance, networking through SNS can be a worthwhile pursuit,” he said. 深圳沃尔玛(中国)投资有限公司人力资源经理李陵(音译)表示:“在数字化时代,人们往往缺乏耐心,HR们可能没空去回复你的信息。”李陵指出社交网络最棒的地方在于求职者可以通过企业的官方信息来更好的地了解企业文化。他说:“加上一点运气和毅力,社交求职值得一试。”