爱思英语编者按:在求职大军纷纷投身网络和招聘会(job fair)时,还有一个特殊的群体正在靠特殊的途径——“走后门”求职。他们就是“职场关系户”。 Delicate job decisions 透视职场“关系户” Apart from searching online, looking at classified ads, and contacting employment agencies, there are alternative ways of finding a job: using personal contacts, or networking. 求职,除了可以依靠在线搜索、分类广告以及职业介绍所之外、还有很多种方法可以尝试:譬如利用人际关系。 
As hordes of fresh grads enter the job market every year, many of them ask their parents or relatives to do them a favor by using their connections. 每年随着大批的应届毕业生涌入就业市场,很多人都会求助于父母和亲属们的关系网。 Although many get a job this way, career experts warn that resorting to such a method cannot ensure a promising future. 尽管很多人都是托关系来找工作,但职场专家提醒道依靠这种方式并不能许你一个美好的前景。
Miao Lixiao, 25, who graduated in Chinese literature from Guangxi University, knows this all too well. His parents found him a job as a counter clerk at the Bank of China, but he doesn’t like it at all. 说道托关系找工作,毕业于广西大学中文系,25岁的苗立萧(音译)可谓深谙其中之道。父母把他安排进中国银行做一名柜面业务员,当他一点都不喜欢这份工作。
“Working for a bank is boring and there is a lot of pressure. The competition is so fierce that it is difficult to get along with colleagues,” said Miao, who has been with the company for three years but was never promoted. “在银行工作很无聊,压力很大。由于竞争激烈,很难和同事相处。”苗立萧已经在这家银行工作了3年时间了,但一直都没有得到晋升。
He suggests researching the position offered by your parents’ contact and declining opportunities you really don’t like. 他建议,可以先多了解一下父母托人找到职位,然后婉拒那些自己不喜欢的工作机会。
“You should still pursue what you yourself want and not what you think others expect of you. This is the only way you can be fulfilled and, ultimately, succeed,” he said. 他表示:“你仍要去追求自己心中所想,而不是那些你认为别人期望你做的事情。这是你获得成就感,并最终收获成功的唯一途径。”
Even after a company has opened its doors, it still requires immense effort and expertise to survive in the workplace. “There is a saying that seems appropriate: ‘A master teaches the trade, but the apprentice’s skill is self-made’,” said Chen Lin, chief consultant at Zhaopin.com, a leading recruitment website. 即使一家公司向你敞开大门,想要在职场生存仍需要极大的努力以及专业技术。智联招聘网首席职业顾问陈琳(音译):“有个很贴切的说法:‘师傅领进门,修行在个人。’”
Human resource managers advise that if you are offered a job through personal contacts, ask for detailed information before accepting the position. 人力资源经理们建议,一旦你通过私人关系找到份工作,在接受这份工作之前先要询问一些具体信息。
“The person who introduces you to the field can provide some insightful information,” said Diao Zhenyu, HR manager at China Southern Glass Holding Limited in Shenzhen. “You should also do research yourself to get a basic understanding of the company.” 深圳市中国南玻集团有限公司人事经理刁振宇(音译)表示:“那些把你领进门的人可以提供一些有价值的信息。你自己也需要做一些研究,以便对用人单位有一个基本的了解。”
If you join the company, it is important to be considerate toward your colleagues, as they may realize you got the position through a connection. 一旦你进入一家公司,对待同事切记要做到体贴入微,因为他们可能会发现你是是通过走后门来得到这个职位的。
“You need to work hard and be patient in order to foster a good relationship with others. Always be respectful and considerate toward your supervisor,” said Chen. He also suggested that even if graduates know a senior person in the company, they should never boast in front of colleagues. 陈琳表示:“你需要努力工作,富有耐心以便和其他人打成一片。要时刻尊重并体恤上司。”同时他也建议,作为一名刚刚毕业的大学生,即便认识公司中的高官,也切记不要再同事面前炫耀。
“If you do, you will put others in an uncomfortable position and they might turn you down when you need their help.” “一旦这样做,你将会令别人不爽,而当你向他们求助时,可能会吃闭门羹。”
Furthermore, when starting a new job, never expect friends, parents, the university faculty or other contacts to help you. Mu Yuanguang, HR manager at Hainan Airlines, also urged graduates not to try too hard to prove themselves. 而且,当开始一份新工作的时候,永远不要指望朋友、家长、大学老师或者其他关系的关照。海南航空公司人力资源部经理穆光远也劝诫大学毕业生们不必过度地去证明自己。
“Slow down, be patient, and try to enjoy the process. This can speed up your chances of future success in the workplace,” said Mu. 穆光远说:“慢下来,耐心一些,试着去享受这个过程。这可以令你在职场中早日成功。”