爱思英语编者按:还在为找工作投什么职位犯愁吗?我们往往会被舆论导向和招聘公司华丽的宣传迷惑住,觉得大家都喜欢的才是最适合自己的。但是有很多隐藏在人们话题背后的“金饭碗”,被关注的不多性价比却很高。 One of the biggest job stresses is having to fight with competitors and coworkers for clients, commissions, and recognition. Rather than focusing on your own work, highly competitive fields force you to be constantly aware of what everyone else is doing. Based on data from the Occupational Information Network (O*NET), a U.S. Department of Labor database full of detailed information on occupations, below are the 10 most competitive jobs in America. The ranking measures the extent that the job "requires the worker to compete or to be aware of competitive pressures." Each job is scored on a scale of zero to 100, with a score above 75 denoting a job that's extremely competitive: 1. Choreographers 2. Poets, Lyricists and Creative Writers 3. Athletes and Sports Competitors 4. Sales Agents 5. Sound Engineering Technicians 6. Makeup Artists 7. Music Composers and Arrangers 8. Real Estate Sales Agents 9. Coaches and Scouts 10. Business Managers of Artists, Performers, and Athletes Competitiveness score: 85 |