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郑涛所写的这份简历是一个通用模版,在突出个人实习经历的同时,面面俱到,不同人应根据自身特点和公司用人需求加以修改。郑涛说,在他拿到公司offer之 前,修改简历不下30次,几乎每投新公司都要修改一次。对于他的简历,中国移动的沈先生给予如下建议和意见:这份简历整体感觉已经非常规整,很符合国际通用标准,但用在不同的人身上,仍有需要修改的地方。


5 section 40*B# Willow dormitory
Top University, Beijing 1000**
(8610) 61234567, 13912345678

Education 教育背景
Sep.2003- Ri Yue School of Management, Top University
Present M.A. (Management Science, expected)
Sep.1999- School of Management University of China
Jun.2003 B.S. (Management Science)

Work Experience 工作经历

Aug.2004-Sep.2004 Management Case Center of Top University, Beijing
Project Manager (Part-time)

As the main principal, taking active part in the project of the Survey of Brand Loyalty in China, including the layout of the forms, data collecting and information analysis;
Partly participating in further research in above project, including dealing with data and modeling.

May.2004-Jun.2004 Harvest Fund Management Co., LTD Beijing
Research Assistant (Internship) Business Development Dept.

As the main principal, making the in-depth research and carrying out development of the brand-new product of open funds;participating the further evaluation of the performance of the Open Funds in China;

Mar.200-Apr.2004  Top University Tarzan Center for Supply Chain System R&D
Research Assistant (Part-time) Beijing

Being a main project director, doing the Survey of Manufactures of Shoes in China; Taking part in the preparatory arrangements of the International Conference on the Supply-Chain in Top University.

Extra-curriculum-Activities 社会工作

Feb.2000-sep.2000 Students Union, UC Leader of the Activity Section
Sep.1999-sep.2000 Students Union of School of Management, UC Vice-Chairman
Sep.2001-Dec.2002 students Union of School of Management, UC Chairman
Feb.1999-Jun.2003 Department of Management Science, UC Monitor

Scholarship and Awards 获奖经历

Oct.2004 Outstanding Study Award TU
Oct.2002 Outstanding Scholarship (the most Excellent Scholarship) UC
Oct.2001 First Class Scholarship for Excellent Student UC
Oct.2000 Second Class Scholarship of Excellent Student UC
Oct.1999 Excellent Scholarship for Freshman UC

Other Information 其他信息

English Skills:
Good command of English for reading, writing and speaking, passed CET-6

Computer Abilities:
Excellent in analytical tools such as SAA、EXCEL、SPSS

Passionate, confident, full of patience, highly interested in challenges

Football、Badminton; Chinese writing、Debate.

1、专业不同 重点不同

此简历毕竟是以管理专业学生的案例为蓝本做的,它特别强调管理职位最看重的管理实习经验。而对于基础学科的学生,实习经验方面可能应该更加突出具体参与的实 验项目和论文发表等。另外,基础学科的学生如果找与所学专业联系紧密的工作,一定要突出导师,有可能你的导师就是业界泰斗,没准可以狐假虎威一下。

2、职位不同 重点不同


3、成绩处理 避免短板

郑涛在校时的排名没有进入前三名,而顶级投资银行非常看重学生的成绩,在这方面处理的比较巧妙,只写百分比,排名在年级前5%以内,这个成绩基本可以通过。 郑涛将成绩用奖学金表达,比较明智,其实能够获得专人设立的奖学金应该是非常优秀的。同学们在处理成绩时有几种办法,成绩好的,写GPA和排名,成绩一般 的只写排名或者获奖状况,而单科成绩好的,最好把学科成绩列出。

4、实习经历 有所取舍


5、学生职位 不要抄袭

