24EN编者按:金融危机当前,可能你不得不一个人做两个人以上的工作,还拿着可怜的薪水,再被老板呼来喝去,终于有一天,你在沉默中爆发,拍案而起,老子不干了!等等,你知道辞职怎样才能辞得漂亮吗? Ready to resign? Before you storm the bosses' office to tell him what you really think, consider that how you quit can have a big impact on your future job prospects. Take a deep breath and consider the points below. Do you really have to go? Make sure you are planning a change for the right reasons. Would promotion or a move into another department within the business resolve your problems? If you have faith in your HR representative, sit down with them and discuss your options. That’s what they are there for! You may find there are more opportunities with your current employer than you realised. Expect a reaction! Unless your employer has been expecting you to resign, or requested it, you may be confronted with a range of reactions to your intention to resign. Don’t see it as an opportunity to respond with a list of complaints and the companies' failings. Maintain a cool head and simply state clearly your rehearsed reasons for leaving. Make it clear to your employer that you wish to leave on good terms. Know your obligations. If you are currently under contract or working in a probationary period, you may have the responsibility to provide a certain amount of notice. Be aware of your rights and contractual obligations and seek out your union representative or legal advice if you require clarification. Don't burn your bridges. Venting about your job to colleagues or at your boss may mean losing a potentially valuable reference; you may also make it very difficult to return should you ever need to. In addition, the people you work with today will inevitably move on to other things. You may find yourself looking across a desk at them in a future interview!