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At Wheeler Interests, a Virginia-based property development company, plans are under way to get employees canoeing.
维吉尼亚房地产开发公司Wheeler Interests正计划让员工划独木舟。

“We're building a dock and pier and I'd like to get six kayaks and canoes,” says chief executive Jon Wheeler. The company is committed to providing the “right type of culture and environment for employees and this includes physical exercise”.
“我们正在建一座码头,凸式码头,我打算购置六艘皮划艇和独木舟,”该公司首席执行官乔恩•惠勒(Jon Wheeler)表示。该公司致力于为“员工提供健康的文化和环境,这包括体育锻炼”。

The company headquarters, explains Mr Wheeler, sits on a tributary of the Lynnhaven River and the idea is to let staff go canoeing and kayaking at lunchtime.


It already has a gym, free yoga and a campus that encourages walking. Given the location, Mr Wheeler believes canoes and kayaks are a logical extension of this philosophy.

The office gym has long been a fixture of corporate life, but to keep up with the changing world of the modern workout, some forward thinking businesses are starting to expand their fitness options for staff.

The Chiswick Park office complex in west London has an events plaza that offers a changing range of sports facilities. “We often put up an inflatable five-a-side football pitch or set up netball courts and we're having a climbing wall in soon,” says Kate Olsen, events manager. “We also bring in professional coaches for various sports, such as golf, tennis and ultimate frisbee.”
伦敦西区Chiswick公园的写字楼区有一个活动广场,变着花样地提供运动设施。“我们经常会搭一个五人制充气足球场或蓝网球(netball)场。不久后,我们还会有一面攀岩墙,”活动经理凯特•奥尔森(Kate Olsen)表示。“我们还请来各类运动的专业教练,如高尔夫、网球和极限飞盘。”

Chiswick Park makes the most of its leafy location near the River Thames, too. There is a running club and the site has 10 bikes that the 4,500 employees of the tenant companies can borrow. “There's a mapped 10km route and a 5km route,” says Ms Olsen, “and if you want something different the receptionists can recommend routes.”

Gwen Clerc, contract manager at Intelsat, one of the companies with offices at the park, is a regular cyclist and has used the free bikes for everything from exercise in nearby Gunnersbury Park to popping to local shops. “It's a great idea, very handy and very popular with staff,” she says. If you get there late on a sunny day, they've often run out of bikes.”
园区内的Intelsat公司的合同经理格温•克拉克(Gwen Clerc)就经常借自行车,他会骑着免费自行车去办各种事情,比如到附近的Gunnersbury公园锻炼,到当地商店购物。“这是个绝妙的点子,非常便利,很受员工欢迎,”她表示。遇到阳光明媚的日子,如果你去得晚了,自行车经常被借光了。

