
: 英语巴士网行业英语医务英语行业英语内容详情




Abdominal flatulence 中满

Abdominal fullness and distention 腕痛胀满

Abdominal retention 鼓胀

Accompanied Symptoms 兼证

Activating blood and dissolving stasis 活血化瘀

Acuesthesia 得气

Acupuncture points 腧穴

Acupuncture therapies 针刺疗法

Adjuvant drugs 佐药

Afternoon fever 日哺发热

Alternate chills and fever 寒热往来

Anorexia 食欲不振

Aphtha 口疮

Apoplexy 中风

Ashi point 阿是穴

Associate drugs 臣药

Association of combination of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine 中西医结合研究会

Association of traditional Chinese medicine 中医学会

Asthenic cardioyang 心阳虚

Asthenic cardioyin 心阴虚

Asthma 哮证

Otopuncture therapy 耳针疗法

Auscultation-olfaction 闻诊

Aversion to wind and cold 畏恶风寒


Basis of theory of traditional Chinese medicine 中医理论基础

Belching 嗳气

Blood deficiency 血虚

Blood heat 血热

Body fluid 津液


Calming liver wind 平肝熄风

Canthus 目眦

Carbuncle 痈

Cathartic method 攻里法

Cardiac and renal coordination 心肾相交

Cardiac-splenic asthenia 心脾两虚

Chest pain 胸痛

Chest stuffiness 胸闷

Chi pulse 尺脉

Chinese materia medica and prescriptions 中药与方剂

Chinese medical 中国医学史

Chinese medicine anesthesia 中药麻醉

Chinese patent drugs 中成药

Clear abundant urine 小便清长

Clearing damp 利水渗湿

Clearing heat and expectoration 清热化痰

Clearing wind-damp 祛风胜湿

Clearing Ying heat and cooling blood 清营凉血

Coating color 苔色

Cold hands and feet 手足厥冷

Cold-heat mixing 寒热交错

Cold limbs 手足厥冷

Cold stroke 中寒

Coma 神昏

Compendium of Materia Medica 本草纲目

Complications 并病

Constipation 大便不通

Consumptive disease 虚劳

Contrary treatment 反治


Defensive Qi instability 卫气不固

Deficiency-excess mixing 虚实夹杂

Delirium 谵语

Diagnostic methods of traditional Chinese medicine 中医诊法

Diaphoresis 汗法

Diaphoresis, pungent cold 辛凉解表

Diaphoresis, pungent warm 辛温解表

Diarrhea 泄泻

Different treatments for the same disease 同病异治

Differentiation, eight principles 八纲辨证

Differentiation of diseases 辨病

Differentiation of symptoms and signs 辨证

Differentiation, six meridians 六经辨证

Differentiation, triple energizer 三焦辨证

Differentiation, Wei-Qi-Ying-Xue 卫气营血辨证

Differentiation, Zang-Fu 脏腑辨证

Diphtheria 白喉

Diseases of Qi-blood-fluid 气血津液病症

Dispersing cold and freeing Bi 散寒通痹

Doctrines of various historical schools 中医各家学说

Dry heat 燥热

Dry stool 大便干结

Dysentery 痢疾

Dyspepsia 食滞

Dysphagia 噎膈

Dyspnea 喘证

Dysuria 癃闭


Edema 水肿

Eight principles 八纲

Electuary 冲服剂

Elimination 消法

Emesis 吐法

Endogenous hygrosyndrome 内湿

Endogenous cold 内寒

Endogenous dryness 内燥

Epilepsy 痫证

Epitaxis 鼻衄

Eruption 斑疹

Etiology 病因

Exterior syndrome 表证

Exterior sthenia 表实

Exterior asthenia 表虚

Extremely cold limbs 手足厥逆


Facial distortion 口眼歪斜

Feeling 按诊

Fluid deficiency 津液不足

Frequent micturition 小便频数

Frequent vomiting 反胃


Gastric asthenia 胃虚

Gastric cavity 胃脘

Gastro-Qi 胃气

Generation-inhibition in five elements 五行相克

Gingiva 牙龈

Greyish fur 灰苔
