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Causes of acute abdominal pain are varied. Although sometimes called "surgical" abdomen, acute abdominal pain does not always necessitate surgery. Many disorders must be ruled out before a diagnosis is confirmed.


Clinical Manifestations


Pain is the most important symptom of acute abdominal pain. A patient may also complain of abdominal tenderness, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, fatigue, and an increase in abdominal girth.


Diagnostic Studies

Diagnosis begins with a complete health history and physical examination. Physical examination should include both a rectal and a pelvic examination.

Complete blood count (CBC), urinalysis, abdominal x-ray examination, and an ECG are done initially.

A pregnancy test should be performed on a woman of childbearing age who has acute abdominal pain.





Therapeutic Management


The goal of therapeutic management is to identify and treat the cause. A differential diagnosis needs to be made because many causes of abdominal pain do not require surgery.

In addition to being a therapeutic measure, surgery can be diagnostic. Operative exploration is usually done after careful examination of the patient, and it is justified when "look and see" is better than "wait and see."



Nursing Management


An exploratory laparotomy in which an opening is made through the abdominal wall into the peritoneal cavity is done to detemine the cause of an acute abdomen. If the cause of acute abdomen can be surgically removed (e.g., inflamed appendix) or surgically repaired (e.g., ruptured abdominal aneurysm), then surgery is considered definitive therapy.




The patient will have a satisfactory level of pain control, relief of nausea and vomiting, normal bowel sounds within 72 hours, absence of fever, and lungs clear to auscultation.


Nursing Diagnoses


Pain: related to surgical incision and inadequate pain control measures

Nausea and vomiting: related to decreased GI motility, GI distention, and narcotics

Ineffective airway clearance: related to effects of anesthesia, sedation, pain, immobility, and location of incision

Constipation: related to immobility, pain, medication, and decreased motility





Nursing Interventions


1.General care for the patient involves management of fluid and electrolyte imbalances, pain, and anxiety. Preoperative preparation of a patient with an acute abdomen includes a CBC count, typing and crossmatching of blood, and clotting studies. Catheterization, preparation of abdominal skin, and passage of a nasogastric (NG) tube may be done in the emergency department or operating room (OR).


2.Increased use of laparoscopic procedures has reduced the risk of postoperative complications related to wound care and altered GI motility. These procedures generally result in shorter hospital stays.


3.If an NG tube is present, it is connected to suction as ordered. The purpose of this tube is to empty the stomach of secretions and gas to prevent gastric dilatation. The NG tube is checked frequently for patency because it may become obstructed with mucus, sediment, or old blood. An order is usually written to irrigate the tube with 20 to 30 ml of normal saline solution if needed. Repositioning the tube may facilitate drainage. Mouth care and nasal care are essential.

如果使用鼻胃插管,应遵医嘱与抽吸管相连。毛鼻胃插管的目的是排空胃部分泌物和气体,防止胃扩张。鉴于粘液、渣滓或殘血可能造成堵塞,应经常检查鼻胃管是否通畅。护嘱中通常写明,必要时用20至30 ml生理盐水冲洗插管。重新插管有助于引流,还必须施行口腔护理和鼻部护理。

4.Parenteral fluids are administered to provide the patient with fluids and electrolytes until bowel sounds return. Occasionally, ice chips may be ordered because they relieve a dry mouth.


5.Although nausea and vomiting are not uncommon after abdominal surgery, these problems are often self-limiting. Observation is important in determining the cause. Antiemetics such as promethazine, prochlorperazine, or trimethobenzamide may be ordered.


6.Abdominal distention and gas pains are also common after a laparotomy; they are due to swallowed air and impaired peristalsis resulting from immobility, manipulation of abdominal contents during surgery, and side effects of anesthesia. The resulting pain can be so uncomfortable that medications to stimulate peristalsis, such as bethanechol or neostigmine methylsulfate, may be given. A rectal tube or moist heat on the abdomen may be effective in relieving distention. The physician should be informed of abdominal distention and rigidity. As intestinal activity increases, distention and gas pains gradually decrease.


7.Emotional support from the nursing staff is important. Honest, clear, concise explanations of all procedures in language the patient and family can understand will assist in allaying anxiety.


Patient Teaching


1.Patient teaching for discharge begins when the patient returns from the OR. Instructions to the patient and family should include any modifications in activity, care of the incision, diet, and drug therapy.


2.Small, frequent meals that are high in calories should be taken initially, with a gradual increase in food intake as tolerated.


3.Normal activities should be resumed gradually with planned rest periods.


4.The patient should be aware of possible complications after surgery and should notify the physician immediately if vomitting, pain, weight loss, incisional drainage, or changes in bowel function occur.

