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牙龈形态学  gingival morphology

牙槽嵴形态学  alveolar ridge morphology

研究模型  study model

模型分析  model analysis

侧貌分析  profile analysis

美学诊断蜡型  aesthetic diagnostic wax-up

绘图模拟  paint simulation

蜡模拟  wax simulation

切平面  incisal plane

凸出切平面  convex incisal plane

鸥翼切平面  gull wing incisal plane

混合型切平面  combination incisal plane

龈平面  gingival plane

切端轮廓  incisal silhouette又称“切缘轮廓”。

切端外展隙  incisal embrasure又称“切端楔状隙”。

切端暴露  incisal display

水平对称  horizontal symmetry

放射对称  radiation symmetry

切龈融合  incisal-gingival blend

侧影显露  profile emergence

龈缘突  gingival convexity

龈下外形  subgingival contour

龈曲  gingival curvature

龈线  gingival line

微笑美学  smile aesthetics

微笑构成  components of smile

微笑分析  smile analysis

高位微笑  high smile微笑时显露100%的上前牙与部分牙龈。

低位微笑  low smile微笑时上前牙面积显露小于75%.

中位微笑  median smile微笑时上前牙面积显露在75%~100%之间,少见牙龈乳头。

露龈笑  gummy smile

直线笑  straight smile

扁平微笑曲线  flat smile curve

反笑线  reverse smile line

牙齿可见度  tooth visibility

牙齿暴露量  tooth display

牙齿大小  tooth size

牙牙比例  tooth-to-tooth proportion

牙齿排列  tooth arrangement

牙齿光泽  tooth gloss

牙龈点彩  gingival stippling

龈缘高度  gingival height

龈缘高点  gingival zenith

牙龈乳头  gingival papilla

金瓷修复体  metal ceramic prosthesis, ceramometal prosthesis又称“金属烤瓷修复体(porcelanin-fused-to-metal prosthesis)”。

牙体预备  tooth preparation

瓷边缘  porcelain margin

组织处理技术  tissue management technique

沟内牙医学  intracrevicular dentistry

抛光  polishing

全瓷冠  all-ceramic crown

铝瓷冠  alumina porcelain crown曾用名“铝瓷甲冠(alumina porcelain jacket crown)”。

固定-活动联合修复  fixed-removable prostheses

瓷嵌体  ceramic inlay

瓷高嵌体  ceramic onlay

贴面  veneer

瓷贴面  porcelain veneer

丙烯酸树脂贴面  acrylic resin veneer

牙漂白  teeth bleaching

外形修整  contouring

釉质成形术  enameloplasty

粘结  bonding

染色  staining

技工室染色  laboratory staining

内源性染色  intrinsic staining

外源性染色  extrinsic staining

牙根覆盖  root coverage

正常●  normal occlusion

个别正常●  individual normal occlusion

安格尔错●分类  Angle classification of malocclusion

上颌前突  maxillary protrusion

上颌后缩  maxillary retrusion

下颌前突  mandibular protrusion

下颌后缩  mandibular retrusion

双颌前突  bimaxillary protrusion

小颌畸形  micrognathia

巨颏畸形  macrogenia

颏成形术  genioplasty

颏缩小成形术  reductive genioplasty

隆颏术  chin augmentation

模板研究  template study

模型外科  model surgery

颏部美学  chin aesthetics

生长预测  growth prediction

骨性分类  osseous classification

理想牙排列  ideal tooth alignment

个性牙排列  personalized tooth alignment

牙排列不齐  irregular tooth alignment

唐斯分析法  Downs analysis

斯坦纳分析法  Steiner analysis

威氏分析法  Wits analysis

物理美容学  physical cosmetology

美容激光外科  cosmetic laser surgery

激光皮肤磨削术  laser skin resurfacing“resurfacing”一词多用于激光磨削。

无瘢痕皮肤磨削术  scar-free skin resurfacing

无焦痂分层皮肤磨削术  layer by layer eschar-free skin resurfacing

无焦痂单层皮肤磨削术  single layer eschar-free skin resurfacing

微晶皮肤磨削术  dermabrasion by microcrystal一种利用负压下微晶体的创击作用来进行的皮肤磨削术。

组织汽化  tissue vaporization

螺旋式扫描  spiral scanning激光磨削术的一种自动控制方式。

高频电美容仪  high frequency cosmetic instrument

扫斑机  emaculation machine

超声波离子导入机  ultrasonic iontransport machine

多功能美容机  multifunctional cosmetic instrument

电子磨砂机  electron abrazing machine

远红外线美容仪  far-infrared cosmetic apparatus

微波计算机多功能生化美容仪  microwave-computer-multifunction-biochemical cosmetic apparatus

电子减肥仪  electron slimming machine

高震按摩机  high amplitude massor

热扩散时间  thermal diffusion time

胶原重组  collagen recombination又称“胶原重塑(collagen remodeling)”。

胶原紧缩  collagen shrinkage, collagen fibers shrinking

热凝固疗法  thermal coagulation

洗眉[术]  washing eyebrow

电透药法  electromedication

电化学疗法  electrochemotherapy

热疗学  thermatology

热按摩疗法  thermomassage

热汽疗法  thermaerotherapy

热汽浴  hot-air bath, sudatoria

渗透疗法  osmotherapy

超声振荡器  ultrasonator

电按摩法  electromassage

电按摩器  electromassor

电解  electrolysis

电灼术  electrocautery又称“电烙术”。

电脉冲刺激[法]  electric pulse stimulation

电热疗法  electrothermotherapy

电外科  electrosurgery

双极电灼术  bipolar [electric] cautery

单极电灼术  monopolar [electric] cautery

脱毛术  epilation, depilation

单极电凝[术]  monopolar coagulation

双极电凝[术]  bipolar coagulation

激光  laser

散焦光束  defocused beam

压电效应  piezoelectric effect

长波紫外线  long-wave ultraviolet

短波紫外线  short-wave ultraviolet

红斑量  erythema dose

轻擦按摩法  frolement, effleurage

强擦按摩法  rubbing massage

揉捏按摩法  kneading massage

震颤按摩法  vibratory massage

叩击按摩法  beating percussion massage

机械震颤按摩法  tremolomassage

低强度激光  low level laser

共鸣电火花疗法  resonant electric spark therapy

低频脉冲电疗法  low frequency impulse current therapy

紫外线色素沉着作用  ultraviolet pigmentation effect

紫外线杀菌作用  ultraviolet germicidal effect

激光[手术]刀  laser scalpel

激光治疗仪  laser therapeutic apparantus

氩激光器  argon laser

二氧化碳激光器  carbon-dioxide laser

氦氖激光器  helium-neon laser

染料激光器  dye laser

钕:钇-铝石榴子石激光器  neodymium: yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser, Nd:YAG laser

电磁波  electromagnetic wave

音频电疗法  audiofrequency current therapy

脉冲宽度  pulse width

脉冲频率  pulse frequency

脉冲类型  pulse pattern

红宝石激光器  ruby laser

靶组织反应  target response

手动增压泵  hand increasing pressure pump

电热偶温度计  electric couple thermometer

快速降温  fast cooling

冷却速度  rate of cooling

冷冻时间  cooling time

冷冻麻醉  crymoanesthesia

冷冻止血  cryohemostasis

冷冻损伤  cryolesion

冷冻剂量  cryodose

冷冻凝固  cryocoagulation

冷冻剂  cryogen

冷凝缩  cryocondensation

冷冻疗法  cryotherapy

冷冻治疗器  cryosurgical engineering

刺入冷冻法  penetration freezing

相变制冷  freezing by change of state

套管冷冻[探]头  trocar cryoprobe

接触冷冻法  contact freezing

液氮疗法  liquid nitrogen treatment

晶核  crystal nucleus

喷射冷冻法  spraying freezing

温差电制冷  freezing by thermoelectric action

超短波透热[疗]法  ultrashort wave diatherapy

冷气疗法  cryoaerotherapy

脂肪消散  adipic resolution

泥浴  mud bath, bog bath

激光扫描  laser passing

热损伤区[带]  thermal injury zone

激光切割手术  incisional laser surgery

激光毛发移植[术]  laser hair transplantation

铒:钇-铝石榴子石激光器  erbium: yttrium-aluminum garnet, Er: YAG laser

钛:蓝宝石激光器  titanium: sapphire laser

表皮细胞再生  reepithelialization

脂肪代谢  lipometabolism, fat metabolism

脂肪萎缩  lipoatrophy

脂肪分解  steatolysis, lipolysis又称“脂肪水解”。

脂肪过多症  lipomatosis

脂肪分解酶  lipolytic enzyme

超声美容术  ultrasonic cosmesis

低频电疗美容术  low frequency electrotherapy cosmesis

高频电疗美容术  high frequency electrotherapy cosmesis

电子脂肪分解[术]  electrolipolysis

电解脱毛  electrolytic depilation

石蜡美容疗法  cosmetic paraffin therapy

冷冻美容疗法  cosmetic cryotherapy

美容内科学  aesthetic internal medicine

美容保健  aesthetic health care

药物美容  drug cosmetics

饮食美容  diet cosmetics

针刺美容[术]  acupuncture cosmetics

疗养美容  recuperating aesthetics

体疗美容  physical therapeutic cosmetics

艺术疗法  art treatment

美容护理  aesthetic nursing

皮肤养护  skin care

干性皮肤  dry skin

油性皮肤  oil skin, oily skin

中性皮肤  neutral skin

混合性皮肤  mixed skin

敏感性皮肤  sensitive skin

面膜  face pack,face mask

软膜  soft mask

硬膜  hard mask

蜡膜  wax mask

毛孔收缩面膜  pore reducer mask

按摩膏  massage cream

美容按摩  cosmetic massage

文身  tattoo

文身术  tattooing

创伤性文身  traumatic tattoo

美容性文身  cosmetic tattoo

治疗性文身  therapeutic tattoo

去除文身  removing tattoo, tattoo removal

[医疗]美容主诊医师  [medical] aesthetic chief diagnostician

美容就医者  aesthetic seeking patient, cosmetics seeking patient

非医疗美容  non-medical cosmetics

皮肤病学  dermatology

皮肤病  dermatosis

皮肤  skin, cutis

角质形成细胞  keratinocyte曾称“角朊细胞”。

黑[色]素细胞  melanocyte

朗格汉斯细胞  Langerhans cell

梅克尔细胞  Merkel cell

生发细胞  germinal cell

透明细胞  clear cell

基底层  basal layer, stratum basale

生发层  stratum germinativum, malpighian layer

棘[细胞]层  prickle cell layer, stratum spinosum

乳头层  papillary layer

分离层  stratum disjunctum

透明层  clear layer, stratum lucidum

颗粒层  granular layer, stratum granulosum

角质层  horny layer, stratum corneum

张力丝  tonofilament

桥粒  desmosome

半桥粒  hemi-desmosome

透明角质颗粒  keratohyalin granule

角蛋白小体  keratinosome

黑[色]素小体  melanosome

表皮黑[色]素单位  epidermal melanin unit

皮肤附属器  cutaneous appendages

表皮  epidermis

真皮  dermis

胶原纤维  collagen fiber

弹性纤维  elastic fiber

网状纤维  reticular fiber

血管球体  glomus body

基质  ground substance

组织细胞  histiocyte

肥大细胞  mastocyte, mast cell

棘层松解细胞  acantholytic cell, Tzandk cell

表皮下基底带  subepidermal basement zone

皮下组织  subcutaneous tissue, subcutis

脂膜  panniculus adiposus

[小]汗腺  eccrine sweat glands又称“外泌汗腺”。

大汗腺  apocrine sweat glands又称“顶泌汗腺”。

汗孔  sweat pore

皮脂腺  sebaceous glands

毛囊  hair follicle

毛发  hair

汗毛  fine hair

毛根  hair root

指甲  finger nail

趾甲  toe nail

角化过度  lhyperkeratosis

角质栓  horn plug

角化不全  parakeratosis

角化不良  dyskeratosis

棘层肥厚  acanthosis

疣状增生  verrucous hyperplasia

水肿  edema

空泡形成  vacuolation, vacuolization

网状变性  reticular degeneration

气球样变性  ballooning degeneration

水疱形成  vesiculation

棘层松解  acantholysis

坏死松解  necrolysis

色素失禁  incontinence of pigment

胶质小体  colloid body

胶原均质化  homogenization of collagen

胶原溶解  collagenolysis

黏液样变性  mucoid degeneration

角珠  horn peart

微脓疡  microabscess

核固缩  karyopyknosis

核碎裂  karyorrhexis

斑疹  macule

丘疹  papule

丘疱疹  papulovesicle

粟丘疹  milium

小疱  vesicle

大疱  bulla

起疱  vesication

血疱  bloody bulla, bloody vesicle

脓疱  pustule

斑块  plaque

结节  nodule, tubercle
