
: 英语巴士网行业英语医务英语行业英语内容详情


妇产科学  obstetrics and gynecology
产科学  obstetrics
妊娠  pregnancy
幼女妊娠  precocious pregnancy
青春期妊娠  teenage pregnancy, adolescent pregnancy
孕次  gravidity
未孕妇  nulligravida
孕妇  gravida
初孕妇  primigravida
经孕妇  multigravida
假孕  pseudocyesis
前次月经  past menstrual period, PMP
末次月经  last menstrual period, LMP
月经龄  menstrual age
受精龄  fertilization age
孕龄  gestational age
早孕反应  morning sickness
妊娠剧吐  hyperemesis gravidarum
妊娠纹  striae gravidarum
妊娠溢液  hydrorrhea gravidarum
黑加征  Hegar sign
胎动感  quickening
四步触诊法  four maneuvers of Leopold
脐带杂音  umbilical souffle
子宫杂音  uterine souffle
妊娠期  trimester of pregnancy
妊娠早期  early trimester of pregnancy
妊娠中期  mid trimester of pregnancy
妊娠晚期  late trimester of pregnancy
过期妊娠  postterm pregnancy, prolonged pregnancy
单胎妊娠  singleton pregnancy
双胎妊娠  twin pregnancy
单羊膜囊双胎  monoamnionic twin pregnancy
双羊膜囊双胎  diamnionic twin pregnancy
单绒毛膜双胎  monochorionic twin pregnancy
双胎交锁  locked twins, interlocking twins
多胎妊娠  multiple pregnancy
三胎妊娠  triplet pregnancy
四胎妊娠  quadruplet pregnancy
五胎妊娠  quintuplet pregnancy
同期复孕  superfecundation
异期复孕  superfetation
产前  antepartum
产时  intrapartum
产后  postpartum
产前保健  antenatal care, prenatal care
预产期  expected date of confinement, EDC
胎方位  fetal position
产妇  parturient, puerpera
未产妇  nullipara
初产妇  primipara
高龄初产妇  elderly primipara
经产妇  multipara
多产妇  grand multipara
产次  parity
初产  primiparity
经产  multiparity
胎先露  fetal presentation
胎势  fetal attitude, fetal posture
胎产式  fetal lie
纵产式  longitudinal lie
横产式  transverse lie
胎头浮  floating head
胎头入盆  engagement of head
胎儿下降感  lightening
见红  bloody show, show
自然流产  spontaneous abortion
先兆流产  threatened abortion
难免流产  inevitable abortion
不全流产  incomplete abortion
完全流产  complete abortion
稽留流产  missed abortion
习惯性流产  habitual abortion
早期流产  early abortion
晚期流产  late abortion
人工流产  artificial abortion, induced abortion
流产感染  septic abortion
流产儿  abortus
葡萄胎  hydatidiform mole, vesicular mole
异位妊娠  ectopic pregnancy
联合妊娠  combined pregnancy
宫颈妊娠  cervical pregnancy
输卵管流产  tubal abortion
输卵管妊娠  tubal pregnancy
输卵管间质部妊娠  interstitial tubal pregnancy
宫角妊娠  cornual pregnancy
卵巢妊娠  ovarian pregnancy
阔韧带妊娠  broad ligament pregnancy
腹腔妊娠  abdominal pregnancy
子宫残角妊娠  pregnancy in rudimentary horn
输卵管妊娠破裂  rupture of tubal pregnancy
盆腔积血  pelvic hematocele
阿-斯反应  Arias-Stell reaction
蜕膜管型  decidual cast
假临产  false labor
先兆临产  threatened labor
临产  in labor
产程  labor
总产程  total stage of labor
第一产程  first stage of labor
第二产程  second stage of labor
第三产程  third stage of labor
生理性缩复环  physiologic retraction ring
颈管消失  effacement of cervix
宫口扩张  dilatation of cervix
胎头拨露  head visible on vulval gapping
胎头着冠  crowning of head
