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Who You Know

The unemployment rate among recent college graduates hit 10.6% in the third quarter, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That means companies have room to be more selective.
美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)的数据显示,第三季度美国应届大学毕业生的失业率为10.6%。这意味着各家公司有余地更加精挑细选。

Forget wading through three or four interviews for one position. More employers are holding as many as nine or 10 interviews, says D.A. Hayden, a career counselor at Boston-based counseling firm Hayden-Wilder.
忘掉经过三、四轮的面试后获得一个职位的年月吧。波士顿咨询公司Hayden-Wilder的职业顾问海登(D.A. Hayden)说,现在更多的雇主都会进行至多9或10次的面试。

Some applicants are being asked to prepare oral presentations, so it's more important than ever to be well versed in the company and what it expects in an employee.

And while a strong résumé and education still carry weight, a large portion of people hired recently have personal connections to a company, Ms. Hayden says. 'For years, people have been saying networking, networking, networking. If there ever was a time that was true, it's now.'

To meet people in your field, consider taking on a volunteer or intern position. If you can't afford to work for free, pair the internship or volunteer work with a side job that pays the bills. Connections you make could be more effective than sending out mass job applications online, some career experts say.
