爱思英语编者按:商务英语口语关于动议与附议的表达,跟小编一起来学习吧@ 那么你有何提议?And what’s your motion? 我提议升级我们的生产线。 *I move that our product line need to be updated. * I make a motion to update our product line. 现在已有一个动议了,有人附议吗? Now we have a motion on the floor. Is there a second? 附议 Seconded. 这项动议已经有人附议。如果没有其他意见,我要提付表决了。赞成的人请举手。 The motion has been seconded. If there’s no more discussion , I’ll call the question .All those in favor please raise your hand. 一致通过。 It’s unanimous. |