首先打听对方昨天没来上班或上课,可以问 Why weren't you at work yesterday? What reason do you have for missing school? 病人做楚楚可怜状,甩出一句虚弱的 I wasn't really feeling well. I was sick. 恻隐之心一旦被激发,你一定会追问 What was wrong with you? What was your problem? 世间的病何止千百种,更何况还有些难以启齿,最保险的“病”就是 have a cold, headache, stomachache 让你的同情心泛滥得更猛烈些吧 Are you feeling any better? Do you want anything to make you feel better? 生病的有台阶赶紧下吧 还不舒服就说I'm still feeling under the weather. 没问题了就说I'm OK now. 什么叫好人做到底? I hope you feel better. Get better. 生病的,赶紧的,该换感激涕零状了 I'd appreciate that! Thanks a lot!