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Forrest Gump 阿甘正传(精讲之三)

2023-11-25 21:29:57 2


Forrest Gump 阿甘正传(精讲之三)Forrest: Now, my mama always told me that miracles happen everyday. Some people don't think so but they do.

Bully1: Hey, dummy! Are you dumb or just plain stupid?
Forrest: Look, I'm Forrest Gump.

Little Jenny: Just run away, Forrest, Run, Forrest. Run away, Hurry!

Bully2: Get the bikes. Hurry up.

Bully1: Look out, dummy, here we come, we're gonna get you!

Little Jenny: Run, Forrest. Run, Forrest.

Bully1: Come back here, you!

Little Jenny: Run, Forrest, Run!

Forrest: Now, You wouldn't believe it if I told you. But I can run like the wind blows. From that day on, if I was going somewhere, I was runny!

Man in store: That boy sure is a running fool.

Forrest: Now, how I told you that Jenny never seemed to want to go home? Well she lived in a house that was as old as Alabama. Her mama had gone up to heaven when she five and her daddy was some kind of a farmer.

Gump: ( knock on the door) Jenny?

Forrest: He was a very loving man. He was always Kissin' and touchin' her and her sisters. And then this one time. Jenny wasn't on the bus to go to school.

Gump: Jenny, why didn't you come to school today?

Little Jenny: Shh! Daddy's taking a nap.

Father: Jenny!

Little Jenny: C'mon!

Father: Jenny! Where'd you run to? You'd better get back here, girl. Jenny?

Little Jenny: Pray with me, Forrest. Pray with me. Dear God, make me a bird, so I can fly far, far far away from here. Dear God, make me a bird...

Forrest: Mama always said that God is mysterious. He didn't turn Jenny into a bird that day. Instead, he had the police say that Jenny didn't have to stay in that house no more. She went to live with her grandma, just over on Greek more Ave. Which made me happy 'cause she was so close. Some nights, Jenny would sneak out and come on over to my house, just 'cause she said she was scared of what? I don't know, but I think it was her grandma's dog. He was a mean dog. Anyway, Jenny and me was best friends all the way up through high school.


1. We're gonna get you! :我们会抓住你的。这里有两个语音点需要注意。Gonna是going to 的缩读,另外get you 连读后发生同化。/t/ 和/j/连读后变成字母组合ch的发音。

2. I can run like the wind blows:我可以跑的跟风一样快。这就是我们常说的风驰电掣,在说英语时有些同学因为抠字眼就翻不出这句话,其实阿甘语言虽然简单却很好的表达了这个意义。希望大家翻译时先着眼于意义对应,因为很多中文的翻译只按字翻译是无法达到交流目的的。

3. running fool: 这里是指跑痴。这种用法很值得我们借鉴,就是说有些人做某事都做成傻子了。Doing fool,比如只知道吃的 eating fool。

4. He had the police say that Jenny didn't have to stay in that house no more。这里又是一个双重否定表否定的例子,只是强调而并非负负得正。请大家多注意口语中的这种现象。比如我想说'我什么都不知道'就可以用:I ain't know nothing!

5. sneak out:在这里是指偷偷溜出去,sneak是一个极好用的单词,
A. 动词用法,偷偷地前进或行动
He sneaks candy into mouth(偷偷地把糖塞进嘴巴).
B. sneaker: 旅游鞋是美语中不正式的用法
C. 形容词用法,秘密的,突袭的:
a sneak attack by terrorists恐怖分子的突然袭击


阿甘在描述Jenny父亲时用到了Kissin' and touchin' her and her sisters.似乎应该是个好父亲,可后来Jenny却离开了他。这里很多同学看的有些迷惑,其实阿甘作为孩子的理解也就到这步。这里实际的意思是Jenny父亲对她们姐妹的性虐待。大家可以从他父亲的酒瓶,Jenny破烂的衣服看出Jenny所受的非人的对待。所以她才想变成一只鸟飞走。而童年的阴影直接决定到Jenny在后面人生中安全感的缺乏,对生命的不负责任。连最爱她的阿甘也多次受到她言语的伤害,她只把阿甘当做傻子一个儿时的玩伴,竟然在阿甘表达爱她时指责阿甘不懂什么是爱。直到多年的挫折后,阿甘无数次的包容和帮助才让她看清谁是可以永远依靠的人。Jenny后来拿石块猛砸她父亲的老房子时,我们便能体会苦命的童年給她的伤害之深。而这也是美国乃至人类的悲哀。在下面的文化面面观中我们一起看看在美国这些问题的起源和现状。


Child Abuse, covers a wide range of behavior, from actual physical assault by parents or other adult caretakers to neglect of a child's basic needs. Child abuse is also sometimes called child maltreatment.

U.S. Child Abuse Cases
In 2000 more than 850,000 children in the United States were victims of abuse. Neglect of a child's physical or emotional needs is the most common form of child abuse, followed by physical abuse.

Forrest Gump 阿甘正传(精讲之三)

Child abuse results from a complex combination of personal, social, and cultural factors. These may be grouped into four primary categories:
A Intergenerational Transmission of Violence 过去被虐待转移至自己的下一代
Many children learn violent behavior from their parents and then grow up to abuse their own children.
B Social Stress 社会压力
Stress brought on by a variety of social conditions raises the risk of child abuse within a family.
C Social Isolation and Low Community Involvement 社会化程度过低
Parents and caretakers who abuse children tend to be socially isolated.
D Family Structure 特殊的家庭构成
Certain types of families have an increased risk of child abuse and neglect. For example, single parents are more likely to abuse their children than married parents.

Physical injuries can range from bruises, scrapes, and burns to brain damage, permanent disabilities, and death. The psychological effects of abuse and neglect can last a lifetime and may include a lowered sense of self-worth, an inability to relate to peers, reduced attention span, and learning disorders.


